Author's Note;
I apologize for this chapter, which contain small amounts for gruesome details. i find it to be miner, but feel i should at least throw out a warning. Enjoy the chapter my Mystics
I didn't want to have to go back. i was liking that young man's company. someone who i could connect with other then Nixie. But i knew that it was inevitable. I have no choice. Without the protection of my Pod, I'm good as as dead if I'm alone, and with Thomas confined to the land, and I to the sea, i can only be friends with him for a short amount of time.
I feel as if i don't belong anywhere. i wish there was some way to know where i belong, but my place is in the water. confined with the currents. I feared Marius. i wish i didn't, but how could i not. He's a lot bigger then me. Probably bigger then Thomas from what i could tell. his features are more harsher then Thomas' as well.
Thomas seamed kinder, after all, he did release me from those fishermen the other day. His eyes, smaller then ours, but looked so inviting. A deep blue with long blond eyelashes. His even tone through the shaded trees. he looked so calm yet distracted. the more i talked to him, the more intrigued i had become with him.
Swiftly swimming through the current, i felt a chill crawl all over me. An echo location came from the near distance, and it felt angry. Only one thing in this entire ocean can give me this kind of sensation. I knew it must be Marius.
A blip of darkness came rushing towards me through the vast open ocean. as it came closer, i noticed Nixies long dark, raven hair. her eyes were wide with a panicked frustration.
"Azuela!" she clicked erratically. "Swim away!" she said, and through my confusion, i saw what she was afraid of. A fishing net followed closely behind her, as well as other members of our Pod were close by. My heart sank as i just froze in horror. its just like that moment back when i was a kid. Frantic mermaids swimming in all direction. nets and hooks scooping in through the water, trying to capture us. Its began to scoop up, three, then seven out of the water. blood began to pool as hooks dug in to they're flesh as they were ripped out of the water. A force grabbed my arms and pulled me further down into the sea.
i drew myself out of the daze and looked over, Marius had an arm wrapped around my waist, along with Kiv, and male young-ling around the age of 8, in his other.
Looking back, the remaining Pod members mimicked Marius' direction and headed down, further into the dark, cool waters.
The chaos stopped. we could still hear the echoing screams from above the water, then nothing as the boats sailed away onto the open waters surface.
After the short silence, the wailing cries and panic screams of the Pod filled the dark waters. Young-lings being held by the older members. everyone looked devastated. i was still numb from the shear shock that i couldn't fully understand what had just happened.
Our Pod looked smaller. few members were now missing to the surface. Fear filled the water. the smaller our Pod got, the more vulnerable we become to the predators. we could very well be the last of our kind, and the humans keep taking us away. thinning us out and for what? I don't understand they're reasoning's for this monstrosity.
Anger filled tears filled my eyes and were swept away with the current.
"I thought i lost you," a voice echoed close by. It was so soft that i thought it was just the waters movement. looking over my shoulder, Marius stared at me, but not with anger, or rage. his dark eyes looked . . . sad. . . .

Tidal Waves Edge
Viễn tưởngAzuela, a mermaid who has lost nearly everything, is one of the few remaining survivors in her Pod. Humans hunt her kind often, her parents are gone and her Pod leader is abusive towards her. One day, a fishing boat caught her in they're net. Trap...