Chapter 8:D

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I've been singing Only Ghost by dan croll for a really long time and my boyfriend just threatened to stop recording Orange is The New Black if I don't stop. This is a difficult life.
Gerard's POV (I know it's just the two so far I know I know it'll change I promise)

Shadow was silently singing Dead Walker Texas Ranger as she finished getting her things ready. "You've felt the bite now you'll be one. Don't tell your friends what you've becooomee."
"I.. um.. Don't tell your friends what you've becoomee..?"
I ran up and hugged her, picking her up. "What?" she asked, laughing.
"You sing. Like an angel. Shadow. You. Are. FABULOUS!" I messily kissed her lips. "Huh-huh okay, Gee, thanks." She laughed.
I put her down and shut her suitcase, leaving the room with it, taking Bandits box on the way. She lingered in the bedroom for a bit while I waited at the door, cat, bag, and box in hand. "Let's get this show on the road, Sha!" I shouted. "Coming!" she said, walking into the room, wearing sweatpants and carrying her guitar with her oxygen tank hung on her shoulder. "See you in a month, Daddy." she whispered, leaving a kiss on the photo. She turned to me, "We're gonna have to come back up to get my oxygen tanks."
"Something tells me they aren't as light as air."
She just laughed. Her laugh is absolutely beautiful. I followed her downstairs, still thinking about how lucky I was to have her. 'How on earth did I get so lucky?' I asked myself.
Shit I said that outloud. "Nothing,"
I put her things in the car and followed her back upstairs for the second trip, still holding Bandit. "Why don't you put her in the car?" Shadow asked.
"Because she's adorable." I said simply. We got to the door and opened it. I gave Shadow the kitten and picked up the giant bag of oxygen tanks. "Oh, bloody hell!" I shouted as I dragged it out the door. We reached the lift and and, of course, the doors tried to shut before the hole bag was inside. "Oh fu-"
"oh, fudge.."
She nodded, laughing, "Better."
I got the rest of the bag into the lift and dragged it to the car. By the time I was finished, I was sweating and breathing heavily. "Sha.." I bent over and put my hands on my knees, "I-I think I need to borrow one of those.." I joked.
"You look unbelievably hot right now,"
She looked startled, "Wha- I just said that out loud, okay. Um. I was saying, uh.." she scratched the back of her head, "Umm.."
"Um nothing! You said I looked hot." I chuckled.
"Well I-"
"Lemme just say, this is what Ill look like in bed.. So look forward to that." I raised my eyebrows.
"Let us not get kinky, Gerd."
"Gerd. I like that. But I also like you," I seductively put a pointed finger on her shoulder, circling her. I fought back a giggle when she batted my hand away.
"You kinky little shit," she laughed, running over to the passenger side of the car and getting in. I got in next to her and held Bandit while she buckled in, and she returned the favour. I turned on the radio to Fancy by Iggy Azalea. I made a gagging sound and plugged in my phone. "Requests?" I asked, noticing I had started to catch her irish brogue.
"Mmm," she tapped her finger on her lips, thinking, "I'm in an Echosmith, Paramore, you know, female singer kind of mood."
I smiled, "That's exactly what I was thinking," I put on Panic Station by Muse and smirked at her.
"Matthew Bellamy is a dude."
"Mhm, but listen."
She sat there, listening for about 10 seconds before turning back to me and expectantly shrugging her shoulders.
"You know he sounds like a chick." I giggled.
"Says Gerard Way, who looks like a chick,"
I gasped, "Shots." I made my hand into a gun shape, pretending to shoot it at the roof of the car, "fired." I blew on my fingertips.
She laughed and took my phone, scrolling through the music, "Adele?" she laughed.
"What else am I to listen to when you dump me for being a freak?"
She burst into laughter, "Wait, dump you? You never asked me to date you." She said after calming down.
"What's your full name?"
"Shadow Alicia Fall..?"
I nodded, taking my phone and blasting The World Is Ugly. I pulled the car over and got out, opening the door for her and helping her out with Bandit. I pulled her over to a bench and took both her hands. I took a deep breath, "Shadow Alicia Fall, would you allow me the honour of being your boyfriend?"
She nodded and hugged me, kissing my lips. "Wait," she froze.
"You own your own music..?" I can tell she was holding back a laugh.
"What? No! Pshh.." I ran back to the car, unplugging my phone and hiding it in my pocket. She just laughed and kissed me again, standing on both my feet. I stepped from foot to foot, rocking us back and fourth.
We got back in the car and ended up playing Echosmith after all.
"I wish that I could be like the cool kids,
'Cause all the cool kids, they seem to fit in.
I wish that I could be like the cool kids, like the cool kids." I sang, doing a little dance. Bandit looked at me from Shadows lap.
"Bandit, what is your daddy doing?" Shadow asked. Bandit stood up and rubbed her face on Shadows chin. "Aww," I reached my hand out and held it on Shadows chest as we took a sharp turn that would've sent her into the dashboard if I hadn't. "But Bandit," I glanced at the kitten for a second before looking back at the road, "I'm not your daddy, that'd be messed up beyond boundaries even internet perverts set, I'm your step daddy. Sort of."
Shadow laughed, leaning over to kiss my cheek. I rested my hand on her thigh and slowly inched it up as the drive progressed. My hand got closer than ever before being swatted away.
"Playing hard to get, are we?" I giggled, pulling into the parking lot and parking next to the tour bus.
"No," she laughed, "I'm playing 'Don't finger me while you drive, you adorable little fucker."
I gasped, "GERARD ARTHUR WAY THERE IS A KITTEN IN THE ROOM!" I mocked in Shadows irish accent.
I leaned in to kiss her, but she quickly got out of the car, letting me land face-first on her seat. I heard her snicker as she helped me out of the car. I picked up Bandit and closed the car door.
Mikey must've heard me shut the door and turned around. His eyes lit up at the sight of me and I smiled. He ran over with his arms out. "Hey Mi-"
He took Bandit and ran away. "You're so cute! Aw it's like you're a little unicorn except you're a kitten!! Ray, babe, look at how adorable this little thingy is!" He said, his voice twice as high as usual. Ray came over and they screamed over the cat together.
Patrick and Gracie came over to say goodbye to Shadow, the guys and I and left. "Hey, Frankie!" I shouted, motioning for him to come here. He walked over, "Sup?"
"If I bring Shadows suitcase, and she gets her guitar, can you get that black bag?" I said, smirking at Shadow. "Sure, dude."
Shadow and I ran away with her things and hid in the bus, watching Frank struggle with the oxygen tanks through the window. "BLOODY FUCKING HELL!!" He screamed, dragging it up the stairs on the bus. He finally got it on and turned to us. "I hope you enjoy." He said to Shadow, walking off.
I showed Shadow her bunk, obviously making a comment about sex. We sat on the side of the bunk and talked for a bit. Eventually we both got changed and laid down, but we still kept talking. Mikey and Ray soon stumbled in. A pair of hands quickly handed me Bandit and climbed above us. It wasn't long until we heard the din of intimacy grow louder and more intense. Two tshirts fell next to us, which we were okay with, but when Mikeys jeans fell with his underwear, I quickly took Shadows hand and took her and Bandit to the room in the back. We sat on the floor against the closet. I heard my brother screaming and covered my ears. "Ew." I said, simply. She nodded, playing with Bandits tiny, kitten tail. "It's really gross, but I love you," she said, looking at me. My eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips, "I love you, too." I leaned in to meet her lips.
"Oh-oh-oh- MIKEY, OH, I- I UGH OH"
I pulled away. "Ray, I know you're enjoying yourself, and I am very aware that my brother is a fucking nasty sex-machine, and that it's hard to not scream while he uses you as a toy, BUT SHUT THE BLOODY FUCKING HELL UP, YEAH? And Mike, GET THE HELL OUT OF RAYS ASS AND GO BED"
"PREACH!" I heard Frank shout.
The two eventually calmed down and probably went to sleep. I picked Shadow up and placed her on the bed. I turned the light out and laid next to her. "Love you." I whispered.
"Love you too."
I feel like this one was long.
I know it was shitty, but I have plansss to make it better:3
Love you all<33
(PS I'm eating smarties and I just choked on oneXD)

I'm Just Soggy From The Chemo. (Gerard Way)Where stories live. Discover now