Chapter 2

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  The next day came way too quickly. I had already unpacked and moved into a room, it was the same one I slept in as a child. So the next day all I had to do was take a shower, get dressed, and head out. Since I didn't know the way to school yet, Evan drove me there in his Mustang. I was staring out the window at the never changing scenery of trees when I finally decided to find out something about my new home.

  "How long does it take to get to school?" I asked, finally looking over to my twin brother, whom I just found out about the night before. He was humming and smiling happily to himself.

  Evan glanced at me. "About an hour and a half."

  "Oh," I sighed. "That's why we left so early."

  "Right. But if you want to get there sooner," he said grinning,"I could go faster. The roads are always empty at this time, so we won't get caught."

  "Then go faster please," I muttered.

  "You sure?" He asked. I groaned; he was going too slow. "As you wish then."

  He stepped on the gas and I was actually pressed to the seat by the force of it. We were going faster. A lot faster. I rolled down the window, letting the wind whip my long hair around. The cool breeze was so refreshingly cool. So different from the heat of Los Angeles. I suppose there are some perks to living in a town that's continuously cloudy throughout the year.

  "I almost forgot to ask," I said talking over the wind. " What is the school called?"

  Evan chuckled. "You're only asking that now? You sure are something. The school we're going to is Mason High School."


  He glanced at me again. "Anymore questions before we get to school?"

  "Hmm," I said, thinking. There were a lot of questions I wanted to ask.

  "Anything?" He asked after a few seconds of silence.

  "How about this," I said."How are you living alone when you're only my age?" This question was really bothering me. I had to be sent all the way here because of my age, but Evan? Evan got to stay at his house.

  "Oh, that?" He said offhandedly. "The people in Soronts know me, so they believe I can take care of myself. They help me a little though."

  I stared at him. "I see. What do they mean by take care of yourself?"

  He laughed self consciously. "Well, I guess it's because I've never really been trouble. How could I? My father was a cop," he muttered. "I've always been more or less obedient in school, I get good grades, etcetera. You know."

  I didn't say anything. I was nearly the exact same way back in LA. The only difference was that I didn't live in a small town. Of course that fact would play a direct role in where I'd go. I wasn't exactly the most talkative person so I didn't get to know the LAPD as well as the other teenagers at my school. So they assumed I wasn't able to take care of myself, though I am almost an adult.

  "We're here," Evan announced suddenly.

  I looked out the window at my new school. It was, as expected, smaller than the one in LA. It did only have a third of students. There were teachers arriving then, not many students, so obviously we were early.

  "We're early," Evan said. I refrained from rolling my eyes as he stated the obvious. "You have to go to the office to get your schedule. I'll come with you."

  He parked in a nearly empty parking lot for students, then climbed out. I followed suit, pulling my bag over my shoulder and following into the building he already seemed familiar with. At the office, I got my schedule. Evan already had his, it was sent in the mail a while ago, so it shouldn't have taken long but it had to be printed out and took longer than anticipated. By the time I got it, the parking lot was beginning to fill up.

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