Chapter 15

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A/N: Boy, this was a long one, I think. I hope you like. Its one of the last.

Father is a vampire.

  As soon as the words were out of Micah's mouth, an overwhelming wave of exhaustion hit me. I sighed, exasperated at his latest revelation. No single word could describe how I felt at that moment. Shock. Disbelief. Pain. Exhaustion. And many others I didn't care to name.

  Micah blinked. "What's with that reaction?"

  "As you said before," I sighed, "it was a given. It was the only possible explanation for that...scent." I winced as the aforementioned scent wafted toward me. Its appeal made even stronger by the knowledge of what it was.

  A small smile graced Micah's lips. The look said he knew exactly why I paused mid-sentence. Though the Kurans couldn't, he could also smell my scent, and recognize it as something other than human.

  "May I ask two questions," Myles asked abruptly.

  Micah's gaze slid from me to him. "You may. But I may not be able to answer."

  Myles nodded and proceeded with his questions. "How old are you, if you don't mind me asking."

  Micah went expressionless but I could feel he was trying to decide if he would answer the doctor. "I'm will be about one hundred and sixty-five as of a week from now."

  My mouth opened in shock. "You're that old? Does at mean you're...?"

  "Immortal," Myles finished. "Like us?"

  My gaze snapped to him in surprise. I heard in stories vampires were immortal, but I didn't know if that could be taken to heart. Many stories were just romanticized versions of the truths, I never completely accepted the idea of them having eternal life.

  "Yes." Micah nodded. "I'll count that as one question, since Stella was the one who asked the second."

  "Your hair," Myles said, clearly curious. "Why is it that color?"

  That was probably something we were all wondering about. I certainly was.

  "Oh." Micah twisted a strand of his long snowy hair around a finger. "My father explained this as being one of the perks of being a hybrid. The colouring of our hair fades to white after a few years pass maturity. He doesn't know why though, or should I say, I don't know why."

  "When does—" Myles shut his mouth, remembering he only requested to ask two questions. He looked close to pouting, which was strangely cute though he looked at least twenty-six. He was clearly regretting limiting his questions to two. Elizabeth patted his shoulder in amusement.

  Micah cleared his throat to get his attention again. "Before I leave, may I have him back?"

  "Who?" Myles questioned.

  "My unfortunate servant whom you've appropriately interrogated I presume," Micah said, sighing like I had before, exasperated. "Leance Di Sontoya. You know him as Leance Simmons I believe."

  Once again, my mouth opens in shock. "Your servant? What do you mean? Why would you nearly kill your own servant?"

  The Kurans looked at me in shock. "He was the one who saved you from Leance?" Aliss gasped. "The one who nearly sliced open his jugular?"

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