Chapter 1

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This chapter was edited by unbridled_wanderlust

Thank you for your help jgrace2197 I was hesitating between this story and Asato hahaha.


For as long as Park Min-Jung could remember, she'd always dreamed about that moment. The moment when these guys were all talking about theirs dreams. It was the first and last time that she heard them telling each other about their dreams.

But in the end, a dream was still just a dream.*

The first one to open his mouth was the one who was wearing a blue shirt. "My dream is to become a historian. I would love to pass down our history to the next generation. You know, the history about the arts or the monuments of our country. I want to write down the knowledge, to give these arts and monuments its place in history. Essentially, I just want our history to perpetuate."

The guy next to him, wearing a yellow shirt, smirked and said in a mocking tone, "Never knew you were that kind of person, always thought you to be stupid enough to dream about becoming a tree." At his words, everyone laughed slightly. "Anyway, my dream is to become a medical biologist. I don't want to become a doctor because I am too stupid to become one, but I still want to help the doctors to develop the medicine. I would love to work with the plants and you know, mix everything. Basically, I just want to cure and protect the people that I love by my own hands."

"I wish to become a host, like the presenter of all these big events. Meeting the big figures, making everyone laugh and everything. But I would especially love the improvisation; having no text and just saying whatever you have on your mind. I think the most important thing would be that my siblings will finally look up to me and think of me as someone admirable, rather than a dog that is following his mistress everywhere. The other kids would be jealous of them because they are related to me." The one with the green shirt tried to laugh at his own joke but couldn't bring himself to really laugh so he just coughed to hide his embarrassment.

"That is a good thought," the one with the brown chemise commented sweetly. He truly found this dream beautiful, wanting to protect people was indeed a good purpose. "As for me, my dream is to become a psychiatrist. I want to feel needed and useful. And for once, rather than taking a life, I would save a life. Especially those who went to war and were destroyed because of that. And I would be helping them thanks to myself and not because of my skills or charm or anything. That's what I dream to become, I am the most talkative among us so it's natural that I would dream about something like this."

They all nodded their heads, they completely understood his words: saving a life rather than taking one. How many times did they wished to do that themselves?

The one with the red shirt smirked, "My dream is to become a veterinarian." He grimaced when he saw all of his friends raise their eyebrows in a disbelievingly way. "You know, when I was younger and I had nothing, I only had my pets. They were more understanding and nice to me than any human being ever was. So, of course I would like to pay my debt. They deserve to live, more than us."

Then they all turned their heads toward the second to last member, the one who was wearing an orange shirt.

Oh yeah, that was his turn now. "A carpenter. My dream is to be a carpenter or someone who designs the houses, or the decoration. Well, I would love to create something that would make someone happy with my own hands. Rather than destroying someone's happiness."

The one next to him, the last one, put his hand on the shoulder of the man with orange shirt to comfort him. The last guy was wearing a white shirt. "I...always dreamed to become someone who would help people who are old or homeless. I don't care what kind of job it is, I just want to be helpful to someone. But if I have to choose, then I would rather take care of the old people than wandering outside playing a hero."

Min-Jung closed her eyes like she was in pain. That time, they scarified their dreams to be with her and she always felt bad for that. But now that they had the chance to make their dreams come true, she would bring them back into that world again. Just what kind of pest, was she? She was just a hypocrite and disgusting human being.

But no matter what, she couldn't let them go. Because they were her everything.


[A/ N: As you may know or not know, the characters in *Be Selfish* have a special vocabulary. Here a dream means that you know it will never come true, so it's like saying:"My dream is to become a cow". You wish too but you know it will never come true so if someone come and says that "My dream is to become a lawyer", that person will be looked down. So in short, what they are saying here is that they don't have any regret about not being able to fulfill their dreams since it is just a simple dream.]

Lorena: Alright, so I really felt bad while writing this chapter. It felt like I was talking behind their back and betraying them. 

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