Vas Happenin' Zaddy?

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The one day that I'm late is the one day that Zayn Malik is my client?! You gotta be kidding me! I took him in as he stood there in all his beauty. I was speechless. He was just as I imagined him to be. Tall, fit, and handsome.

"Are we going to stand here or just waste more time that you've already cost me?" He said. It took me a while to register that he was talking to me. His words hit me all of a sudden like a cold slap.

"Sorry about that." I finally gained my composure. I sped over to my equipment and set it up. I read the theme for the day and turned around to see Zayn already behind me, standing really close.

"You forgot your lense."

He spoke. I mentally slapped myself for the second time today and turned around. I looked at my camera and saw that I actually didn't forget them. The lense that Mel had gotten me for my birthday was already in the camera. I turned back around and it seemed as if Zayn had gotten closer.

It was hard for me to breathe.

"I didn't forget it."

I said, careful not to stutter.

"If you were experienced you would've known that." He said and turned around.

I scoffed.

How dare he? I've dealt with rude customers, but never were they rude right off the bat. A little part of my heart broke at the fact that my favorite celebrity was treating me like shit. I regained my composure and set up the shoot.

"You're a little young." He commented. "Are you sure you're qualified?"

I ignored his questions and continued to set up the shoot. Zayn was going to be posing in front of a backdrop and the theme for the day was "Sexy stranger". My boss had come up with themes so that I know exactly how to shoot my client. So Zayn was to pose in front of the backdrop and I was supposed to make the pictures as sexy and mysterious as possible. Which is why it deserves the name "Sexy stranger".

I unlocked wardrobe and looked over to where Zayn was. He was across the room, staring at me with an intense gaze. I pointed to the room and walked away from it as fast I could to avoid being anywhere near Zayn.

"Choose your costume. Make it sexy." I said.

Short, but effective.

"Do you have an extra lense?" Melanie walked in taking the lense out of her camera. "Mr. 'I don't want my perfect pictures to be ruined by your nasty lense' won't let me shoot him if I don't change it."

I laughed and went over to the supply closet. Why Melanie chooses not to use hers, I don't know.

"How's it going with your mans?" She whispered.

She knew that my one and only celebrity crush was Zayn Malik. Anyone who knew me knew that my celebrity crush was Zayn. He was even the wallpaper on my computer. At both work and home.

"He's a dick." I whispered back.

She gave me a sympathetic look.

"I know how you feel."

A few months ago, Mel had had Neymar Da Silva Santos Jr as a client and he basically ripped her heart out. She vowed to never love a celebrity again. I might make that same commitment.

I gave her a small smile and handed her a gently used lense.

While I waited for Zayn I put my headphones in and hummed to my playlist, skipping over Zayn's songs. But iT's YoU came on and I couldn't help but listen to it. I closed my eyes and let myself get deeper into the lyrics. The way Zayn's voice effortlessly sings through the lyrics. Never have I heard a falsetto so perfectly done.

He Wants me (Interracial Zayn)Where stories live. Discover now