Hickeys everywhere

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When we made it back to my apartment, I all but ran out of the car. Zayn was still smirking to himself. That cheeky bastard. I unlocked my door and flipped on the living room light. Zayn took a look around.

I was suddenly embarrassed at how small my apartment was. I know Zayn is used to bigger more luxurious apartments.

"Where are we sleeping?" He asked.


"I sleep where you sleep."

"No. I sleep in my bed. You sleep on the couch."

He frowned. As much as I would love to sleep next to Zayn, I knew I wouldn't get much sleep if I did. I'd probably be watching him sleep like the creepy fangirl that I am. He sat on the couch, I guess too tired to argue anymore.

"I don't see why I can't sleep with you." He said.

"Because the last thing I need is Zayn Malik in my bed while I'm trying to sleep."

"Are you scared of me seeing your room? Do you have posters of me up on your wall?"

He chuckled at his own joke. I ignored it. I turned around and walked into my bathroom. I splashed water over my face, and looked in the mirror. Is this what I looked like all day? Omfg!!

I had loose hairs sticking up from my bun and I didn't bother to put make up on so my face was hideous. Not that I need make up to be pretty, but the bags under my eyes and lack of eyebrows said otherwise.

I looked down at the hickeys Zayn had left on my stomach. There were 3 and they'd turned purple. Looks like I'm not wearing crop tops for a long ass time. My right thigh only had 1 hickey. So I guess I can't wear shorts or ripped jeans anymore. I might as well be in winter gear tomorrow.

I walked out of the restroom to find my phone. Maybe I can find on Google how to get rid of hickeys. Zayn was asleep on the couch. He looked so adorable. I got butterflies just from looking at him.

I looked in my supply closet and found a blanket. I draped it over his sleeping body and turned off the kitchen light.

I showered and hopped into bed. I couldn't stop thinking about Zayn. He wasn't even in my bed and I still couldn't sleep because of him. I never thought that I'd have Zayn Malik sleeping on my couch. I never thought his fingers would touch me in anyway. And I surely never thought he'd leave hickeys on my body. Proof that he was there.

These next few weeks are going to be hectic.

~Zayn's POV~

I felt Taylor's fingertips brush my arm as she laid a cover over me. I opened my eyes as she walked away. She was so sexy. So beautiful. Her mocha colored eyes, her caramel colored skin, her full pink lips that I found myself wanting kiss. Even the way she walked was sexy. I found myself thinking about her way too much.

I was used to girls that I work with having crushes on me, but the difference is that Taylor isn't constantly trying to flirt with me. In fact, it's as if shes trying to hide the fact that she ever thought about me in that way.

She wants me, though. I know it. I know she liked what I was doing to her, otherwise she would've stopped me. I wanted to touch her again. To feel her body shiver under my touch.

I'd never been so intrigued by a person and especially not after just a day with them. But then again, I'd never met anyone like Taylor. She was different. Special.

These next few weeks with her are definitely gonna be hectic.

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