Balcony Make Out

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"Then he stormed out."

Melanie was currently on the other end of the phone listening to me rant about my current situation. I'd just gotten out of the shower and was in my bed in Zayn and I's shared hotel room. Zayn still hadn't shown and I was a little bit worried. Even though I was still mad at him.

"Maybe he needs an ass whooping to knock some sense into him."

"I don't think I can give him an ass whooping."

"Maybe you can't, but I can. I ain't under no contract."

"You're crazy."

"Only for you, Babycakes."

"I'm gonna go to sleep." I said.

"Goodnight. Kiss Zayn for me."

"Nice try. Goodnight."

I hung up and got comfortable in my bed. Just as I felt myself dozing off, Zayn walked in. I pretended to be asleep.

"I know you're not asleep." He said. I huffed and turned so that I wasn't facing him.

"You're still mad?" He asked.

"I wouldn't be as mad if you hadn't left me."

"You thought you had everything figured out so I let you be."

I sat up and faced him.

"You left me, because you were mad."

"Because you don't know what you're getting yourself into. There comes a point where I can't save you."

"For the last time, I don't need saving."

"Whatever." He said and walked into the restroom. After a few minutes, I heard water running. I tried to think about anything, but Zayn. I couldn't.

It only made it worse when he started singing. I'd never heard the song he was singing.

"I don't wanna feel the pain again,
I don't wanna feel the love again,
I'm sick of everything that makes me feel I can't live,
Feel I can't love,
Like a broken heart is just a step to numb"

(I wrote that, you steal it, you pay)

I fell asleep to the sound of his voice.

The next day, Zayn woke up before me. I'd been stretching when Zayn walked in with a tray full of food.

"Jasmine made me get this so that it looks like I'm surprising you with breakfast. You need to put on some sexy sleepwear and tidy up your hair. Our first stunt is to look all lovey dovey on the balcony."

The way he spoke to me was cold and uninviting. He'd talked to me like I was complete stranger and kept avoiding my gaze. How is he supposed to pretend to be with me when he clearly hates me now?

"I don't have sexy sleepwear." I told him.

"Then just wear lingerie."

I guess I'm comfortable enough with my body to be seen half naked. Sigh.

I looked on the tray and there were waffles, bagels, eggs, bacon, toast, and a cup of coffee.

I took a picture of the food to post on Instagram. Zayn was looking at me confusedly.

"I might as well play along. I can caption it 'my boo surprised me with breakfast!'."

"Good thinking."

He said and unlocked his phone. I posted it and captioned it. I ate my breakfast while watching Disney Channel on the hotel TV.

"Jonah 'docious magocious' Beck does not deserve you, Andi!" I screamed to the TV.

"Are you done?" Zayn asked. I'd realized that I'd eaten my food already. I nodded and went into the restroom to follow Zayn's instructions.

I came out and Zayn was on his phone. He looked up and I swear I saw a vein pop out of his neck. He blinked twice then his facial expression changed to a serious one.

He held out his hand for me and I took it.

"Just follow my lead." He said. I nodded.

He'd leaned against the side of the wall and pulled me to him. If I didn't know this was fake, I'd probably be ecstatic right now.

He held onto my arms and I kind of stood there letting him do what he does best.

"Rest your hands on my chest." He instructed. I did so and then had just realized he was shirtless. I know he hadn't told me to do it, but I took the liberty of letting my hands roam down his abs.

I am so fucking lucky right now.

"Wrap your arms around my neck."

I slowly let my hands go from his abs, to his chest, to around his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist and licked his bottom lip.

I couldn't help but get turned on by that.

"When I bury my face in your neck, look to the side and pretend to giggle, but not too hard."

His lips met my jaw and traveled down to my neck. I did exactly what he told me to. His left hand went from my waist to my ass. Holy fuck!

He started kissing and biting my neck and I couldn't help but to tilt my head out give him more access. A small moan escaped my lips as I closed my eyes.

"Now I'm gonna kiss you." He said and gently bit my neck one last time. He'd brought his head up and lifted me onto my tippy toes. Soon I felt his warm lips touch mine.

Saying Zayn was a good kisser was an understatement. Kissing him was exactly how I expected it to be. Electric.

Hed licked my bottom lip asking for entrance I would've been a fool not to grant it. I felt his heart beating in his chest. It was beating almost as fast as mine. And I soon felt Zayn Jr. resting on my thigh. Damn.

Zayn's hand that was still on my ass, groped it. I moaned in his mouth and felt his cocky smirk on my lips. So he wants to play that game?


I let my hand drop from his neck and down to his erection that was pressing into my thigh. He groaned into the kiss. I let my fingertips brush it lightly, but hard enough for him to feel it through his boxers.

"Fuck!" He moaned and his other hand fell to my ass, which he gripped harder. His head fell back when I roughly grabbed his erection. I took  the chance to kiss his neck, making sure to leave my mark the same way he left his marks on my stomach and thigh.

I decided that we'd had enough make out time and  brought his head back down to my lips. I'd left him one last kiss before grabbing his hand and strutting to the inside with him at my tail. I made it look like he was going to receive more once he stepped inside. I closed the curtain and turned around to a panting Zayn.

"Did I do good?" I asked nervously.

"If you do that again, I won't be able to keep my hands off of you."

And with that, he stomped to the bathroom still breathless.

I take that as a yes.

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