Ignored - Lee Know

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"Hey, tell me what's wrong with you?" You grabbed Minho's wrist but he just took it back and slammed the door of his room in front of your face.

You started to tear up because he's been ignoring you for almost over a week. Your best friend's ignoring you because of something you don't know.

You two were living in a same apartment and same unit. And everytime you try to talk to him, he would just walk away or just ignore you and if he would answer, it's just a nod or shook.

You knocked at his door continuously yelling, "Minho please, can we talk about this? What did I even do to deserve this from you? You can tell me, please..."

You kept on knocking and talking, thinking that this would help or he could at least listen to you.

"If you don't want to see my face then it's okay, I can hide it. Or you can talk in there, I'll listen. Just please, talk to me, I want us back from what we are before. Why are you being like this?" You said in between your sobs and tears.

"You won't understand Y/N." You heard him said.

While in the other hand, Minho is sitting on the floor, hugging his knees, burying his face on them. She won't understand, I don't know how, I don't understand myself too,  he thought.

"W-what do you mean? Come on, I'll try to understand it, just tell me what's the matter." You told him.

"It's hard to understand, just go away." Your whole world broken when you heard that word from him.

Go away.

"I-I won't M-Min-ho, I'll s-stay here until y-you tell me what's the m-matter." You were stuttering while keep on wiping the tears away and knocking continuously.

"I said go away."

"Stop pushing me away! Don't you know it's hard? Minho I have feelings too! And you know I easily got hurt and yet you're being like this? I hate this Minho, just tell m—" You got interrupted when the door suddenly opened revealing Minho with puffy eyes.

He pushed you to the wall, pinning you using his both hands. You were surprised at his sudden action and you can't move, the las thing you know is that his lips is pressing against yours, kissing you greedily and somewhat forcefully.

You tried pushing him away making him stop and pull away from you. He put his hands down and looked down. He shook his head continuously while taking his step backwards slowly.

"Y-Y/N, I-I'm s-sorry. I-I told you, you won't u-understand." He said without looking at you because he can't.

"M-Minho, why? Why did you do that?" You asked him, confused.

"I-I don't know either. But Y/N please forgive me. I just felt this feeling since last week I think and I don't know what to do with it." He stated.

"What?" You bit your lower lip, "Minho explain, I can't understand."

"Cause I told you you won't understand me and yet you importunate me." He said in annoyed tone of voice.

"Well, s-sorry?"

"No, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I've done." He then hugged you because he can feel the urge of crying from you.

"I-it's okay, but please next time tell me your problem, don't hide it from me." You said while he caress your hair.

"Y/N, I think this feeling is affection. I-I think I like you and I don't want to be friends with you anymore." You pulled away at his sentence.

Your face was getting hot and red. Did I heard it right? You thought. He likes you and you don't know how to react. Tho you can't give back his liking to you because you don't like him, you—

"I love you, Minho." Oops, that slipped. It just slipped from your mouth. You covered your mouth immediately when you realized what you just told him.

"i-is this true? Did I heard it right?" He said smiling widely. You shook your head while hand's still on your mouth.

"Awe you're sooo cute Y/N. I really don't want to be friends with you anymore, cause I want us to be a couple. Y/N, will you be my girlfriend?" He held your hand.

You can't say a word so you just nodded at him.

"OmG really!? Yay! Thanks Y/N!" He then hugged you. You were stiffed at your position while he celebrate by himself.

"Can I kiss you again?" He asked, your face shade of light pink.

"I don't know, should you?" You asked back, innocently.

He smiled widely before pecking your lips softly. But you can't still imagine yourself having a relationship with your best friend.


Last thing I knew is that I'm not this cheesy back then and look at me now. Lmao. And I was dying while I write this because Lee Min Ho is my damn BIAS WRECKER. RIP ME

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