Ch.2 ★ Leave

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What Just Happened?

Literally what just happened? One moment we were fine the next its like I had cut a wire or something.

"Y/N..? Are you okay?" Tae waved his hand in front of my face.

" he serious? Is he really mad at me? Because I got excited?"

Tae looked at the now far Jungkook as he wiped away my tears with his thumb

"He's probably just grumpy..don't worry. Let's get going Y/N" he said as he gently rubbed my back


2 Hours later

After trying several stores looking for that one gift, Tae & I finally found the perfect gift for our beloved JK.

"You really had to get him bunny ears? He's gonna flip when he sees it! You could've gotten those anywhere!"

"Really? These are Gucci Brand Bunny ears. You just got him a simple bracelet"

"Well exxxccuussseee meee. Not all of us can afford Gucci brand bunny ears. Plus this is totally his style! Its black and leather!"

I held the bracelet proudly, admiring how it looked

Taehyung and I kept teasing each other as we walked, talking about how the golden maknae would react to his gifts.
Several moments later we were in front of their building which made my stomach turn.

"Ah..Y/N are you still upset? We can head to your place instead? I don't mind calling a cab when I lea-"

"Oh I'm not upset, I'm fumed! How dare that Jeon Jungkook speak to me like that. And over a hissy fi-"

"Thats not it" Tae interrupted giving me that mischievous weird look


"You'll have to find out. But remember, Kookie wouldn't act so wei- hey wait! Wait up Y/N!"

I started walking not listening to whatever Tae was saying. All I had on my mind was how I'd face JK.

He's the one who should apologize, I did nothing wrong!

Upon entering their apartment, we settled in the living room. I had only physically met the rest of BTS last week, and surprisingly we got along just fine.

I had seen them through pictures and small memes that the boys would make of them. I would also watch some videos here and there to get a vibe of them. Total memes. All 5 of them. No wonder they all got along.

The room started to become lively
So much for peace and quiet

Jimin walked in and started talking about how the fans liked when he flipped his hair and how he read all the comments he could.

"Ah they were so heart warming 'Jimin ah~ We love you!' It makes me feel good inside." He smiled as his eyes turned into moon crescents.

"Y/N trust me, when you debut your fanbase will be huge! They'll love and support you just like ARMY supports and loves us. Its a wonderful feeling!"

I raised my eyebrows at him teasingly

"Oh? Maybe it'll make me feel all 'good inside' like you said"

"Not like that you pervert!" Jimin giggled

We made small talk and shared some videos.

Namjoon & Hobi joined a while later talking about some show they've been trying to watch. And lastly Yoongi with Jin.

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