Ch.1 ★ Fall

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It all started normally. I was sitting next to Jungkook outside of the mall, we were waiting for Tae, who was taking his sweet time on deciding whether or not that Gucci watch was worth it.

The three of us had been best friends, extremely close. It had been hard to stay in contact with the boys, especially ever since they debuted. I too was about to break out in the industry , luckily my manager allowed my group a month break before we officially debuted.

We would always send small short messages back and forth whenever we could. Years have passed since Tae & Jungkook became apart of BTS taking the world by storm. All I could think of is how I'm supposed to keep up with them.

"Nervous Y/N?" Jungkook flashed a cocky smile

This boy. I let out a long sigh.

"How can I not? One month and then it'll be my turn. Ontop of that I'm best friends with two guys from BTS, a lot is expected from me, imagine the pressure?!" I sarcastically laughed eventually leading to a real laugh

"Don't worry! You'll do always.." His voice trailed off, only to come back "Tae is sure taking his sweet time"


I reached into my pocket "It's a text from Tae!"

Jungkook leaned close trying to see the screen "what does it say?"

From; Taetae
Sorry! I got distracted! I'm coming now, ah you guys are still outside right!? ㅠ.ㅠ

"He's on his way, like always he got distracted. We're going to be late!" I groaned

"Late? Late for what?"

I had forgotten. I wasn't supposed to mention what Tae and I were going to do. It's not like it was anything bad, we were just going to go somewhere else to find a gift for Jungkook since his birthday was only 2 weeks away.

"Late for..going home! Duh! There's this show I didn't wanna miss"

Flustered I decided to pull out my headphones and prayed that he would ignore the whole thing.

The song that my group and I were going to perform came on in my playlist.

Maybe I should skip it?

"Oooh, is this the song you're going to perform with? Can I listen?"

" Don't make fun of me though!" I turned to give him one of my earbuds and pressed play.

I caught a peek of his face. It was..different.

When did his facial features get so..defined? Sure he was always so handsome but wow..

Jungkook seemed to like the song, bobbing his head to the beat along with some small humming here and there

"Ah its super catchy, I like it. You guys sound amazing!"

I smiled in response as he replayed the song once more

Moments later we heard the doors open

"Y/N! Y/N!"

It was Tae, running and waving all excited with 3 Gucci bags flinging along as he ran. He flashed his boxy smile.

"TaeTae!!!" I practically screamed while waving and jumping, not noticing that I had pulled the headphone away from Jungkook.

Tae and I had been through the most between him & Jungkook, I told Tae a bit more into detail of my problems. Maybe because Tae was one year older than myself. I felt as if he understood more but then again, Jungkook was only a year younger than me. I just didn't want to bother him with problems when he was still figuring himself out.

With the corner of my eye I saw Jungkook doing that whole tongue on the cheek thing.

Ah f-
He's irritated. Why? Was it the whole headphone thing?

The last time I acted overly excited to see Tae, Jungkook said I reminded him of a puppy, but somehow I'm always too overly excited when I see Tae.

Not that it was a big deal or anything.

Oh was I wrong.

Jungkook stood up

"Why don't you get that excited when you see me?" He scoffed

"But I do? What're you talking about?"

Tae stood in front of us as all this unraveled, he looked confused. Then again when doesn't he?

Jungkook sounded irritated

"You don't..just..go. Tae's waiting for you" he started to walk away.

What just happened?


This is my first fanfic and with me posting it >~< Im a nervous wreck! If it goes well Ill post Chapter 2~

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