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finally we're almost done here! Either one or two more chapters.


When Sarah met Brendon, it was love at first sight.

Or at least that was what everyone used to say and for a while, Sarah believed it herself as well. There was a period when she truly loved Brendon so much that she wanted to spent every second of the day with him. Yet, their love eventually died. She still loved him dearly, but she was no longer in love with the man he had become. A goofy man that had become more of an actor than a singer. A man with a bright smile to hide the emptiness inside him.

Sarah much preferred the old Brendon. He was more reserved than this one, yes, but when he was happy, he was truly 100% undeniably happy. He was entirely true and did not care whether he was too quiet or too loud. Unfortunately, that Brendon died shortly after their marriage. Of course, Sarah never considered their marriage the reason behind this change of behavior-the signs where there ever since the band broke up. After Spencer left, the entire thing was already gone with him.

Still, Sarah tried. She tried because she knew Brendon needed her. Needed someone that wouldn't leave. But it just became unbearable. Things only got worse and Sarah got tired of trying to fix something that she didn't break. She asked for a divorce because maybe that was what Brendon needed. A wake up call. Something that would make him want to fix himself.

And if that didn't work, Sarah thought, he would find someone new.

Naturally, Sarah would still keep in touch to make sure he's okay. Alive, and not drunk all the time. That would be her job from now on, because Brendon didn't need a wife. He needed a friend. And perhaps a slap in the face from time to time.

This was what brought here today. Worry about Brendon. However, she couldn't bring herself to knock. Maybe he would tell her to leave or maybe he wasn't even home. The second scenario was more possible and also very scary. Had he at least gone somewhere with company? Spencer? Dallon? Even Kenneth? She immediately thought of the worst and finally rang the doorbell.

Luckily, she found Spencer.

"Sarah!"he said in a very high pitched voice before immediately coughing and going very deep"I mean, Sarah, hey."

"Spencer, I'm so glad you're here. Is Brendon okay?"

"Yeah, yeah he's fine."

"Thank God."she mumbled"Can I speak to him?"

"No!"Spencer yelled"I mean, Brendon, he's,"-at that point, Sarah saw Brendon's hair popping from behind, his back turned, as he opened the fridge and grabbed a soda-"not here."

Sarah raised an eyebrow while Brendon moved to the counter and placed his drink. He saw her looking and waved awkwardly, but still smiling. A genuine smile that Sarah hadn't seen in a while. "Spence,"


"He's literally right there."

Spencer turned behind him and looked at Brendon."Dude! What did I tell you like three seconds ago?"

"I was thirsty."he defended and walked towards Sarah."Brendon."

"I know." Sarah said while looking him from head to toe. Something was off."Are you drunk?"


"He's just joking around."Spencer quickly blurted out"As if he could forget his lovely wife."

"Oh! Yes, right!"Brendon said uncomfortably and kissed er kiss quickly."How are you,"-his voice got all high-"babe?"

"Ex."Spencer coughed.

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