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Taemin's thirsty was sounding trough my earbuds as I slightly swung my head along with the music. I was currently standing outside, waiting for Jungkook as he asked me to tutor him tonight. I really didn't feel like it but on the other side, I didn't have anything to do and the teacher would give me extra atitude points if I did help him. Tutoring was actually quite easy, just explain what they don't understand and voilà, extra points. Easy!

Wait, no I take that back, tutoring can be easy, unless it is with a person named Jungkook. I groaned and looked down at my feet as I kicked a small rock forward.


"Oh, hey." I mumbled. I pulled my earbuds out of my ears and put my phone away in the pocket of my jacket. "Ready to go?" Jungkook said, I nodded and followed him to his car, I fastened my pace a bit as I realised he was already way infront of me. "God Jungkook, could you walk a bit slower, I don't have such long legs as you." He grinned as a chuckle left his mouth. I ran a bit, he had already opened the door and I quickly got in, fastening my seatbelt.

"What music do you like?" He asked as he looked at me for a split second. "Can I play some of my music?" "Yeah, course." I nodded and turned my Bluetooth on to connect it with his car. I opened Spotify and started thirsty again. As we were driving further I silently sang along with it. "Damn, you know this by heart?" "Yep, it's good." "Can't argue with that."

"Have you ever listened to what he's actually singing?" He said with a smug smirk. "Mmh." I hummed in aproval as I didn't really pay attention to him. "What is it about, I don't know." For a moment I froze, now realising why he had such a grin on his face. "Just listen to it." I said after a while. "Took you long enough to answer." He said raising an eyebrow.

In the meantime we had arrived at his house, I stepped out and looked at it. It wasn't a big house, but not small either. A normal sized house but with a garden you could get lost in. "Wow, your garden is big." He smiled and walked to the frontdoor to open it. I was still observing the house as I almost didn't hear him. "Still coming?" I turned my vision to him, he was standing inside, holding the door open. "Coming."

I walked inside and gave my jacket to Jungkook as he had offered to put it away. "You can walk further." I nodded and did as he told, as I entered the living room I stood still for a while. It was really bright as most of it was white. Beautiful. I've always liked bright houses with a lot of light, unlike mine. I went to the table and leaned against it.

"Hmm, I'm just going to change into something more comfortable, if you don't mind." I nodded, he turned around and rushed upstairs. I groaned as I looked down at my clothes, still wearing the ugly uniform. I went to his couch and placed my backpack next to it as I let myself fall on it. I shook my head as I realised what I was doing. I've never been here and I just go and install myself like this onto his couch.  I sat up straight and looked at the coffee table, as I noticed some magazines laying onto it. I scooted forward a bit and started searching for something that interested me as I noticed something. A magazing with a girl on the cover, barely anything covering her private parts. I looked at the title. 'Playboy' I trew it back onto the staple of magazines with a disgusted face.

Never thought someone so innocent looking could be this dirty-minded. Well, not like I was any better these past days. I groaned as I thougth back about the last times we spent together. He acted so shocked and flustered by everything I had done yet looked so confident when he was controlling over me, even if it was only once.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why am I even thinking about this.

Stop it!

I looked at my watch as I noticed I was waiting here for a while already. Almost twenty minutes? The fuck was he even doing up there? Not like changing clothes took that long, every normal person could change into something comfortable in five minutes. I hesitated if I would go upstairs to look for him, maybe he even fell asleep. I sighed as I stood up and walked to the hall, looking up at the first floor I heard him. I walked upstairs and looked around. I furrowed as I heard groans. What was he doing?!

I walked toward the room from where his groans could be heard. I held my breath as I looked trough the small gap of the door. My heart immediatly relaxed as I saw him sitting infront of his closet. ... Without shirt. My heart directly started bumping like crazy again.

What is he doing?

I knocked on the door and opened it a bit more, his head shot around in my direction. He stood up and looked at me in confusion. I couldn't help it. My eyes went from his eyes to his chest, he had a muscled chest, not too buff but good enough to let your imagination go wild. I licked my dry lips. "What are you doing here?" His voice got me back to reality. "I was wondering what took you so long." I said, leaning against the door. "Myeah, I couldn't find the shirt I needed."


HAH , ya'll thought he was masturbating right?

Longer chap than usual, also just warning ya'll, this story isn't for kids who are really young (11 or something idc) I'm not going to say you can't read it unless you're older that 18 because I ain't 18 either. Also, if you don't like smut, why are you reading this, the summary said it's adult stuff. 
But I know ya nasties are going to read it anyway.

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