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I woke up to a heavy feeling on my side. I whined and tried pulling it off but when I tried dragging it away it only tightened it's grip on me. I opened my eyes slowly to peek trough and immediatly shot backwards as my eyes widened. My hand went to my mouth to keep me from yelling. I removed my hand as I had calmed down. "Oh god what did I do." I whispered to myself. I didn't forget it but I was still kinda in shock that all of that had actually happened. I was way too aroused last night which led to all of this.

I sighed and shook my head.

Not like I can change the past, and by the way, I actually kinda liked it.

I smiled and layed back down. It's not like I really regretted it, so why get up and hide? I scooted closer to Jungkook - who was still sleeping - and put my arms around him, burrying my face in his chest. He automaticaly tightened his grip around my waist again. As I enjoyed the warmth radiating of his body I heard him groan, he lifted his hand and rubbed his eyes before opening them.

"Oh, goodmorning." He said, I smiled and replied. "Hey." I buried my face back in his chest as he chuckeled. "Get up, I'm hungry." He whispered, not wanting to disturb the quietness in the room as the birds chirped outside. "Hmph, ok then." I grumbled, sitting up slowly as I covered myself with the blankets. "It's not like I haven't seen your body yet." He mumbled as he turned around and took fresh boxershorts out of the drawer from his bedside table. "Still." I said as I looked outside.

He stood up and walked to his closet, taking out a red shirt. "Here." He said as he trew it towards me. "Thanks." I replied as I took it in my hands, admiring the softness of the material. I quickly put my arms trough the holes, my head following, I pulled it down untill it fully covered my shoudlers down to my thighs.

"You can clean yourself a bit if you want, I'll be downstairs." "Okay." I nodded and went into the bathroom wich he was pointing at. I opened the door and walked to the sink as I splashed water in my face.


"Hmm, this is delicious." I mumbled with a mouth full of food. The whole kitchen smelled like freshly made pancakes wich had welcomed me when I had came downstairs. It was an understatement that he was good at making them, he was incredibly talented at it. "Thank you." He said as he let out a chuckle.

"Uhhm, do you still need to be tutored or not?" I asked hesitantly as I remebered why I actually had came here for the first place.
"O-oh, myeah, probably." He said, trying hard not to blush, but unfortunate for him, I noticed it. To be honest, I was kinda flustered too. It's weird to just talk about such things out loud. "Well, when will we do that then?" "It's weekend so... why not after breakfast." I nodded. "Sounds good to me."

I didn't really have to bother about my parents worrying since I lived alone, I had moved out when I had turned 18 to study here and with the money I had collected from working different jobs I was able to rent a small place. But I wondered where his parents were. "Don't mind me asking, but where are your parents?" He looked up at me and waited for a while. "They work quite a lot so most of the time I'm alone." "Oh."

I layed my fork down on my plate as I was finished and leaned back in the chair. "What do they do?" I asked out of curiousity. "My mom is a nurse, she helps a lot in other poor countries. And my dad went with her this time." He said as he shrugged. I nodded and stood up. "Where can I put this?" "Just put it in the sink, I'll clean it later." "Okay." I walked to the sink and placed it inside.

"You better finish so we can start." I said as I leaned against the counter. He nodded and quickly ate the rest before cleaning up. "Let's start!" He said exitedly as he went to the couch. "And now, let's actually learn." "Ha ha ha." He said sarcastically but you could hear the embarrasement in the undertone of his voice. I smirked and followed him.


So, just to let you know, I'll probably only update in the weekends since I have to focus more on shool (oops)
Also, I'm really curious, how did you find my story?

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