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I was carefully walking in the schoolhalls, my eyes constantly scanning the people around me to see if Jungkook was close to me, that way I could avoid him. My locker was coming closer as I hurridly ran to it and opened it, facing averyone with my back. As I was stuffing my books in my backpack and closing my lockerdoor I heard two girls pass by.

"I wonder how Jungkook is."
"Yeah, he doesn't look as hot anymore."
"Especially with those eyebags he has right now."
"Probably too less sleep."
"I wond-

I couldn't hear the rest anymore as the dissapeared in the crowd. I looked at my shoes, ofcourse girls are always looking at him, he has the perfect look for a player. But, eyebags? Is he- no nevermind, probably because of fucking other girls deep in the night. I inhaled deeply before looking up again and walking further to my class.

Before entering the classroom I took a deep breath, knowing that I had class together wigth Jungkook. I opened the door and to my relief he wasn't here yet. I went to my table and stared at it before turning around and walking to a free table on the other side of the class, not wanting to sit so close to Jungkook. I sat down and dropped my backpack on the floor before laying my head to rest on my arms.

I was almost going to fall asleep due to the lack of it since all I did last night was cry. My eyes started to close until the door opened quietly, almost unnoticably. My eyes opened again and I raised my head a bit to see who entered the room.


Ofcourse, who else would be here so early? He closed the door behind him and stoped once he saw me, I looked down, not knowing what to do. "Why are you here?" I looked up at him, disgusted. "What?! Am I not allowed anymore to come to school?!" "W-what, n-no, it's just, you haven't come here for a while." My eyes stayed focused on him, he did indeed look terrible. Dark eyebags, his eyes dull and no smile whatsoever. His aura was just filled with sadness.

"C-can we talk now, p-please?" He stuttered. "Why? So I can hear your lies?!" I said while standing up, my hands on the table in fists. "What?! No! Please let me explain." I stayed silent as he tried to grab my hand. I yanked it away to which he looked dissapointed. "L-Lily, she was a onenight thing and-" "I already know, and you even called her WHEN WE HAD JUST SLEPT TOGETHER!" I lost it at the end before grabbing my backpack and putting it on again, ready to leave school, away from him. He grabbed my arm tightly which made me whine in pain. "Please let me explain!" He said desperatly.

I couldn't.
I couldn't stay here.

I yanked my arm away and ran out of the classroom, leaving the other students outside of the room in schock, not knowing what happened. I ran, not knowing where. The sound of my feetsteps filling the now empty halls. Before I knew it I was standing in the schoolpark, my eyes landed on a bench before I walked towards it and sat down, letting my backpack drop to the ground.

Was I too harhs? I probably was too quick and rude. I shook my head a little. No. He deserves it, besides I'm also grumpy because I'm tired.

I let my body fall on the bench, my shoulders leaning forward before tears streamed down my cheeks. No sound came out as I continued crying silently, every know and then a sob escaping my troath.


"Yunhee?" I heard before a hand went on my shoulder and shook my body soflty making me open my eyes. "W-what?" I said before looking infront of me. An unfamiliar face was facing mine. Kind eyes half covered with brown hair, a slight smile on his face, practically a perfectly sculpted nose and a soft jawline. But the thing that I noticed especially was his one double eyelid and the other one a monolid. Extraordinary.

"I'm Taehyung, Kim Taehyung." He said as he noticed my confused stare. He held his hand out and I shook it hesistanly. "Why did you call me?" "Can I sit here?" He asked as he pointed beside me. I nodded and he sat down with a smile. "So, I'm a good friend of Jungkook and-" He stopped as he saw me looking down at my feet. "Please, let me talk to you, it's really important." "O-okay then." "How are you?" I looked up at him. "Obviously terrible." "I'm sorry for that." He said as he took my hands in his, I wanted to pull away but I let him anyway. I needed someone to confort me and I didn't care who it was, as long as it wasn't Jungkook himself.

"About Jungkook and you, I need you guys to come back together." He said sternly. I pulled my hands out of his, glaring at him but he didn't move an inch. "You look terrible and Jungkook..." He sighs before he continued. "He hasn't been eating well lately, he barely sleeps and I never see him smile anymore." I look at my feet. "But I don't mean anything to him." "Yes you do!" Taehyungs says louder while grabbing my arm. "Look at me." I turned my head and looked him in the eyes. "I need you to talk with him, he needs to explain everything, just give him a change. Ok?" I inhaled deeply. "I-I'll try." "Look I know this is hard, but you are both making each other and yourself suffer." I nodded slowly and he stood up. "I have to go now but promise me you'll try." "Yes." He smiled and then left, leaving me alone.

"What am I supposed to do?" I mumbled to myself.

"Maybe I should let him explain..."

Yeeeeet idk what to say besides I hope u enjoyed

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