Chapter 5: America, Nerissa, and Nina, Vacation on the Beaches

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(America's POV) 

Alright! It's spring break and I am at Hawaii! This island state of mine is known for making people feel relaxed and enjoy themselves! I personally come here with my family to have fun! I need to take Vietnam here! She'll love it here! I was sitting on the beach and I raised Texas to see two Asian girls playing in the sand. I was laughing. That reminded me of my time with Canada. We would play on the beach for a while! However, these two girls seem familiar to me... I can't put my finger on it. 

"Ok! Ready?" the smallest girl asked as she ran to the water. 

"Almost!" the oldest one said as she tapped a device on her wrist. 

Ok, this was the strange part. A blue beam shot up into the sky! I sat up in awe as I looked at the two kids and then the little one. She held a green orb in her hands and threw it out into the ocean! The green orb exploded, and water rained down around us! This was super cool! I had to meet them! I ran over to them as they were laughing. 

"Hey! How did you do that?! That was super cool!" I shouted in excitement. 

The two girls were scared a bit, but the tallest one said "Uh, special effects" 

I looked at them closely. It was obvious they were nervous about this power of theirs, but why? If I had superpowers, I would use it to protect my friends and family from any type of harm! 

"Come on! Really?! How did you do that?!" I asked them again eagerly. 

The two girls glanced at each other, but the smallest one looked at me closely. 

"Do you know Matthew?" she asked me curiously. 

They know my brother! That is so awesome! I can't wait to talk to Matthew about them! 

"Yeah! He and I our brothers! You went to Canada?! Did my brother see your cool powers?!" I asked them again. 

I wasn't going to let this go now, because I know who they are! I was so happy to see them again! These were two the Dreamers from Asia! 

"Don't worry! I can keep a secret!" I said to reassure them. 

The two girls sighed and the oldest one nodded. 

"Yes, we have powers. We are in a team called the Dreamers. My power comes from the magic part of the keyblade while my little sister has a unique power she creates" the oldest one said reluctantly. 

"Awesome! So, my name is Alfred! What is your name?" I asked them politely. 

"I'm Nerissa and this is my big sister, Nina" the smallest girl introduced. 

I sat with them and they decided to let me hang out with them! We made sandcastles and played in the water for a while! However, I noticed their parents were not with them. 

"Hey, don't you have parents?" I asked them curiously. 

"We do. Our mother went to get food and our father went to play golf" Nina said calmly. 

"Does this always happen on your vacations?" I asked. 

I didn't want to intrude on them, but do their parents not spend time with them during vacation? That seems very lonely... 

"Sometimes. We don't mind. We like using our powers without our parents seeing them" Nina said as she smiled. 

Wow. That seems lonely. 

"So, did you meet other friends that have powers like yours? How many of them are there?" I asked them.

Please say yes! I worked really hard to have all of you together! 

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