Chapter 7: Austria, Nerissa, and Nina, First Time!

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         "Wow! This is a pretty place!" Nerisas exclaimed as she walked around the square in Vienna, Austria.

This is the sisters first trip to Europe and they were excited. They didn't expect Austria to be so pretty. The two sisters walked on the cobblestone path to the black brick restaurant. Nina sat down and began to write down her new ideas for her story while Nerissa took out her 3DS to play Pokémon OmegaRuby.

"Your writing already?" Nerissa asked curiously,

"Yes! This is our first time in Europe! I plan to write about this trip!" Nina declared as the waiter looked at the two Asian Americans confused.

The two girls ordered their meals and eat their breakfast.

"What about England?" Nerissa asked annoyed a bit.

It was early in the morning, so she was clearly tired. Nina was energetic whenever she woke up unless she was really tired from doing anything last night.

"Well, yeah that counts, but this is a country we rarely hear about in America! How many times are people going to claim they traveled to Austria?!" Nina replied excitedly.

Nerissa sighed and continued to eat her breakfast.

"Soon, want to see the Performing House after this?" Nina asked as she eat her cereal.

"Sure, but where is our parents again?" Nerissa asked curiously.

"Father has a meeting and Mother went with him" Nina explained.

Nerissa nodded as she continued to finish her breakfast. Nina paid the bill and they walked out of the restaurant. A polished gentleman with an expensive violin case walked towards the restaurant and bought himself orange juice.

"Thank you. I am performing at the Performing House tonight for my brothers and wife" the gentleman said calmly.

Nina and Nerissa were surprised to hear a performing eating at this restaurant, but they stepped out of the room and walked to the Stephansdom.

"I can't believe how much effort and time people put into making this cathedral! It's so pretty!" Nerissa said as she looked at the art of statues outside of the cathedral.

The gentleman smiled and walked towards them. He finished his drink.

"Where are you two from?" the gentleman asked with a calm smile.

"America. Do you know anything about this cathedral?" Nina asked as she took out her notebook to take notes.

The gentleman looked at the cathedral with a solemn look on his face.

"Yes. The wedding of Louis II of Hungary and Mary of Austria was here. Franz Joseph I of Austria was buried here" the gentleman said sadly.

"Wow! I didn't know! That's amazing!" Nina said as she quickly took more notes on the cathedral.

"I'm sorry for my big sister's behavior. She's just excited about being in Austria" Nerissa said embarrassed a bit.

The gentleman smiled at them and whispered to himself "They remind me of my brothers"

Nerissa and Nina were talking about the cathedral as the gentleman walked to Graben. He didn't want to bother the sisters on their first trip to Europe. However, a dark shadow rose from the ground behind the gentleman. The gentleman felt someone coming from behind and he turned around. The dark shadow vanished into the light and the gentleman was worried. He didn't see anything, so he decided to walk along as he gripped his violin case. Nina and Nerissa then walked down Graben.

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