Chapter 4: France and Mary, An Enjoyable Encounter

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(France's POV) 

                      I was walking around my wonderful city! Ah! How beautiful it is here! I cannot wait to see mon Canada and America here! The two of them will have a wonderful time here! I smiled as I sat on a bench in front of the Eiffel Tower as I enjoyed my wonderful crepe. However, I noticed a group of students walking around the tower in awe. I smiled and walked over to the group. I listened to their voices and I was pleased to hear their American accents. It would mean more money, but it also means America still loves his dear papa! I walked away from the children, but I felt something dark around me. I quickly looked around and glanced at the children. Something was wrong. 

"Hey, Mary! What do you want to see next?" a girl with black hair asked curiously. 

Mary? That name kind of sounded familiar to me. 

"Hm, the Mona Lisa is a painting I want to see! I promised Jack I would take a picture of it for him" Mary said kindly as she thought about her friends. 

I looked at that girl closely. She did look like that other girl, but is it possible? However, that dark feeling came back. I looked for the source of the darkness, but I couldn't find it. 

"Beth, please tell the teacher I will be back. I sense something dark coming here" Mary whispered.

She nodded and Mary ran back to the tower. Why was she coming back? I walked over to her, but she tapped her commlink and a blue beam shined down on her! What is going on?! A heartless appeared before her and Mary snapped her fingers. A lighting bolt struck down the heartless! 

"Mon dieu! What are you?!" I shouted shocked. 

Mary looked at me surprised. Oh, was I not supposed to see that? She quickly ran away from me as the blue beam disappeared. I chased after her. 

"I'm so sorry! Madame! Please wait!" I shouted. 

Mary didn't stop and went back to her group. Drat! I need to meet this girl! She was going to see the Mona Lisa soon. I will go to the museum and meet her! I should bring her chocolate and apologize to her. I went to the museum the next day and I saw her walking into the museum! I was so surprised to see her! I decided to wait till she had a break. They stopped at the Mona Lisa and admired the glorious, small painting. However, that dark feeling came back again. Mary quickly tapped her commlink and a blue beam appeared. 

"Why are there heartless here?" Mary asked herself as she felt lighting dance around her fingers. 

I watched in awe as she prepared to defend my country from those heartless. She didn't need a reason or a purpose to fight for my country. In fact, she could leave the country and let those creatures attack my home. However, she doesn't want anyone hurt. I placed the chocolates down and then I held my rapier. I went to help her! Mary landed in the middle floor of the museum and ran towards an old man, who was surrounded by heartless! She snapped her fingers and a dark spear struck down the heartless. 

"Are you ok?' Mary asked worriedly as she stood in front of the old man. 

"Yes, but what are these creatures? I have never seen these creatures before" the old man said worriedly. 

"They are heartless. They steal people's hearts and cover the world in darkness. It is my friend's job and I to protect this world from those heartless and other enemies" Mary said seriously. 

"When did they are start appearing?" the old man asked seriously. 

"Ever since my friends and I meet each other. However, I put up a blue beam to protect the people until I defeat the heartless, but how are you able to see these creatures?" Mary asked the man. 

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