Chapter 10: South Italy, Nerissa, and Nina,Ciao Bellas Part II

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(Romano's POV)

                                    Ah! It is tourist season! That means more beautiful ladies will come to my place and more suckers will come to see my wonderful land! This is my favorite season! Now, I just have to casually walk around the Spanish Steps. I noticed many cute American girls taking pictures of themselves with the building. I walked up to the top of the building and looked around the area. It was busy but growing. More people with different tongues come by daily. I glanced around and saw two Asian American girls talking about pigeons and flaming knives... Wait, what?

"Yes, I will have pigeons carry flaming knives against my enemies one day!" the small girl proclaimed.

"I don't think that will be a good idea" the older girl said as she began to laugh.

Ok, yeah, those two are definitely from America. I recall that hamburger making a similar plan but with ice cream. I was about to walk away until I saw something odd. I saw a blue beam and then I looked at the girls. The smaller one climbs the fence, and no one was stopping her! The older girl just sighed and the smaller one turned her back against the ground. She then fell backwards! Oh, my gods! I ran to the fence to see if I could grab her, but I was too late! She fell and then she summoned a green dragon... What the heck is going on? She landed on the dragon and laughed.

"Oh, so that's how it is going to be!" the older said amazed.

She jumped on the fence and jumped off the building! She tapped a device on her wrist and angelic wings appeared from her back. She was almost like an angel except insane. I was staring at the two of them amazed. The two of them were giggling as if this was normal! The two of them flew to the bottom of the building and I chased after them! I need to know what the heck is going on!

"That was great!" the older one said as she landed.

"Yep! Though, we do need to do something more dramatic, but I can't think of anything" the smaller one said as she laid on the dragon.

I stopped as I reached the bottom. I noticed people were walking and talking as if they didn't see the dragon! The older one's wings vanished, and the green dragon disappeared. Then a blue beam vanished and the two of them walked away! I chased after them! I need to know what the heck is going on! As I was closing in on them, I ran into my stupid brother!

"Ow... Oh! Romano! How are you?!" he asked me in his usually cheery voice.

"Fine! Now, get out of my way!" I shouted as I chased after them.

My stupid brother followed me as he asked worriedly "What's wrong?! Did something happen?!"

"Yes! Those two girls did something!" I shouted as I kept running.

We were heading to my Grandfather's Colosseum. I began to look for them and I saw them entering a restaurant! I ran to the restaurant and we stopped. The two of them were eating some pasta together happily. I sat down at a table and my dumb brother joined me. He was panting heavily, so I handed him a glass of water.

"So, big brother, why did we come in here?" he asked weakly.

"Those two girls did something. I need to find out what they did" I said seriously as I glared at them.

Veneziano looked at them and smiled?! He joyfully walked over to them and embraced the smaller one?! What the heck?! I walked over to them angrily. They may be cute young ladies, but something was going on!

"Feliciano! Who are these ladies?!" I asked him seriously.

"Lovino! These are the two girls I was talking about a while back!" my little brother said with a bright smile on his face.

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