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Bart leaned himself up against their tree, he hoped it would make him feel a little better but it only made him feel worse.

Wally watched the speedster in confusion. He had never seen Bart act like this, he seemed sad. That was something you never saw on Bart, he was alway happy and carefree.

He goes to approach the younger speedster but something stopped him, something had felt off. Bart looked up at the trees branches and what he says to it confuses Wally. "I'm still here..."

Wally could see the tears streaming down his face. "Maybe something to do with his parents?" He thinks to himself.

But he was so wrong.

Wally didn't want to scare him and have him running off, it would make it a lot harder to catch him. He silently watches Bart, wanting to envelop him a hug each time he lets out a heart breaking sob.

"I wonder how you're doing?" Bart says, then continues after a small pause. "Its coming for us, has it effected you yet?"

Wally wondered who he was talking to but he was just looking up at the stars.

In the future Thaddeus was sitting in the same place Bart was next to a much larger tree. He leans his head on the tree and let out a small wheeze.

At the same time a fizzle of lightning danced off their skin, in search of the other. When it couldn't find what it was searching for it comes back and slams into them causing the two to let out a scream of pain. The lightning went through every cell and neuron in both of their bodies.

Wally knew at that point he had to intervene. He dashes forward using his speed and picks up the little speedster before running to Mount Justice. In the future the same speedster found Thad unable to move. Future Wally picks him and runs him to his and Artemis's house, setting him down in a spare bedroom.

Before the two pass out they call out each others names. The way they called out and the way their voice sounded made the two Wally's heart break into a million pieces. It was a heartbreaking sound.

In the present Wally manages to get Bart to Mount Justices medical ward. He hands Bart over to the nurses and a few start to asses his injuries, the lightning from Bart had burned him. After the nurses asses his injuries he heads over to M'gann and says, "Get Barry and Jay here now, get every speedster here I don't care if they're bad."

The tone of voice he used showed how urgent this matter was. She nods and then makes the call. Wally goes back into the room where they put Bart and sees that he's squirming in pain. "Can't you guys do something, knock him out or something?!"

Bart continued to scream Thad's name over and over again causing Wally to wonder why this name would be significant to him. The nurse springs into action and gives him a sedative that would knock him out so they could do further testing.

Wally began to chew nervously at his finger tips, it was horrible habit that he had kicked but it found its way back. He was overly worried for the little speedster that had grown to be like the annoying little brother he never had. It scared him to think of all the things that could be going wrong.

"Barry and Jay have arrived with every known speedster on this planet. I'm sending them your way." M'gann says through the mind link.

Wally continues to watch Bart's pained expression as he lays there sleeping until Barry and Jay walk into the medical bay a little confused as to why Wally needed them and every known speedster there.

He moves aside and lets the two see Bart, whose know in a fetal position hugging the blankets to his chest. Barry and Jay look at each other before looking to Wally. "Tell us everything that happened."

Wally starts to explain everything that happened in the last hour. Everything from Bart getting up and leaving dinner saying he wasn't feeling well to Wally rushing him to Mount Justice after the lighting snapped back to his body. They didn't know what was happening to the littlest speedster so they brought in the other speedsters hoping they could help.

In the future Thad laid asleep on the bed, the aftermath had him tired and worn out. Wally was worried for him and for his own self. If anyone found out he was here he'd be in so much trouble but he knew he had to help him. If this was happening to him then it was happening to Bart as well.

He knew that when Thad woke up and if he was in any shape to talk he'd be explaining what the hell had just happened.

In the present Eobard Thawn took one look at the boy and started to laugh. Barry somewhat outraged by his laugher grabs and super speeds him into a wall and lands a punch to his jaw. "You seriously think this is funny?!?"

"Can't you see Barry?" He asks sadistically, "That boy is dying and there is nothing you can do about it."

Barry looses his cool for a few seconds and punches him again, this time he punched him so hard he knocked him out. Everyone in the room wasn't surprised by Barry's actions, Thawn had it coming.

Everyone soon let out a small gasp when Bart sat up letting out a small whimper of pain as he does. Wally instructs, "Take it easy Bart."

He ignored Wally's protest and got out of the bed, every muscle in his body wanting him to get back in it and rest. He went to take a step but gravity had its way and started to pull him to the ground, Wally caught him before he came close to the floor.

Bart looks around the room and see every speedster watching him curiously, wondering what he's do next. Using Wally, he pushes off using his super speed to run himself to the room where they kept his old time machine. He stopped running and leaned against the tray table that had a bunch of tools on it for balance.

He picks up an armful of tools and as he says a sentence he throws a tool at the stupid machine that left him stranded here.

"It was the Reaches fault." A wrench goes flying.

"They activated Blue Beetle!" A screwdriver.

"They made us slaves!" A small pause. "They destroyed everything!"

The older speedsters watch in sadness as Bart drops to his knees, "Through all that I had you, but just like me your gonna fade away."

Tears streamed down his face, no words could describe what he was feeling. Every speedster who witnessed it, good or bad, felt bad for him.

But for someone it was going all according to plan.

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