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Much to Bart's dismay they got him back to bed and the nurses confirmed what Thawn had said. Bart was dying and there was nothing they could do.

In the Future, Wally sat patiently near the bed Thad sat in; waiting for him to wake up. Thad's gold eyes sprung open and he was in immense pain when he shot into a sitting position. "Thad it's okay, your okay."

He recognizes the voice and calms down almost instantly, he knew Wally wouldn't intentionally hurt him. He lets go of the breath of air he was holding onto and swings his legs to the right side of the bed, ignoring every muscle that ached.

"Thad, what the hell was that?"Wally asks concerned and confused.

"I don't really know what it is but I know that it doesn't end well. For either of us." He replies putting his head on his forehead.

"What do you mean? Your not making any sense." Thad gets to his feet and just like Bart gravity starts to do its job, Wally grabs him before he hits the ground. Wally puts him back on the bed. "Please start explaining."

Thad knew he only wanted to help, so he figured why not. Once his father finds out he's here or even in Central City he's gonna kill him anyways.

"Me and Bart are connected. That's no secret. Well that lightning you saw coming out of me, that's what happens when we're apart for to long. Since he stuck in the past and I'm stuck in the future we're both going to die. There's nothing no one can do."

Wally stares at Thad blankly. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. That somewhere in the past, Bart was experiencing the same thing. Then it hit him. They could send him back the same way they sent Bart back.

"Come on." Wally says grabbing Thad's arm, pulling him gently off the bed. "We're gonna fix you and I'm gonna get the Justice League to help me."

Fear rippled through Thaddeus, he's terrified of the Justice League and it was all his fathers fault.

Thad jumps on Wally's back and by the time he started to run at super speed, the sudden change made Thad feel uncomfortable. It made him sick to his stomach. When Wally stops running he asks, "Thad, buddy, how you holding up back there."

His eyes at some point on the run had closed, he dared not to open them. He mumbles in response at Wally's question, "hmm....o..kay.."

Wally runs over to the monitor at the Justice League headquarters and says, "I need an emergency Justice League meeting, Level 9 priority! The founding members only."

The message is sent and it only takes them 15 minutes for them all to get there. "Wally? What is-."

There looks of surprise soon turned to ones of anger once they see Thaddeus on his back. "Hey just hear me out."

Before Wally could explain anything Thad let go of him and super speed himself to the other side of the room. Lightning started to bounce of him again but this time it was different. It was causing him even more pain.

Wally went to reach out for the young speedster whose yelling in pain but Thad says, shocking (figuratively) everyone besides Wally in the room, "No! Get...Back! I...Don't....Wanna...Hurt...You!"

He starts to sink lower to the ground, "Please..."

His behavior had them all curious, you couldn't fake this. Out of all the leaguers it had Batman and the Flash the most curious. "Wally what's happening to him?"

"It's Bart. Since Bart isn't here this is what it's doing to him. It's gonna kill the both of them if we don't send him back the same way we sent Bart back." Wally explains to the league, hoping they'd help.

There's a small moment of silence and Flash speaks up saying, "I don't care what he's done in the past. This has my grandsons life on the line, I'm sending him back. With or without your help."

"Barry, you've got all our support." Clark tells him, they knew how important Barry's family was to him and they intended to help him.

Thad continued to let out a small whimper of pain as the lightning went all around violently. Bruce pulled out a tranquilizer and aimed it at Thad, everyone watched what he did next with caution. Bruce pulls the trigger and it hits the target. The Rhinoceros tranquilizer starts to work, knocking him out.

"That won't keep him out for long so we better move fast. We also don't know how much time the either of them have left." Bruce says, Barry runs off and when he comes back he's holding the schematics for Bart's time machine in his hands.

"Let's get to work."

In the past Bart's eyes snap open and he sits up, looking around the room. The white walls of the medical bay stare him down, making him want to super speed back to his room.

"Bart?" He covers his head at the sound of his name being called, the action was childlike but it fit. "Bart, I know your awake. Please talk to us, tell us what's going on."

They brought Iris in to talk to him since he wouldn't talk to anyone else. Bart uncovers his head and looks at Iris, eyes bloodshot and puffy from crying. He looked miserable. "Grandma you don't have to be here. I don't want to talk about."

"Bart, honey, you need to talk about it. If you tell us what the problem is we can fix-." Bart cuts her off with a small huff before he breaks down.

"You can't fix me...I'm connected to someone and they're in the future while I'm in the past. I'm gonna die and there's nothing you or the Justice League can do about it. So there's nothing to talk about." His words came out harsher than he initially thought.

He threw the blankets off him and got off the bed. He walks towards the door and tries to leave but when he jiggles the door handle he finds it locked. Angered by this he phases through the door. Big mistake.

After getting through the door he falls to ground, blood starts to fall from nose. He lets out a groan and gets to his feet, electricity starts to crackle in his ears. Pain soon erupted everywhere, lightning exploded out of him. His screams of pain were heard throughout the whole mountain, scaring the life out of everyone who heard it.

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