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The moment Thad's heart quit beating Bart felt it in the past. Tears started to form in his eyes, it got harder for him to breathe. His team mates around him got very worried at his sudden outburst of sadness.

"Bart what's wrong? What's going on?" A few people ask, causing more tears to fall. He couldn't speak, the words wouldn't come out.

He did the only thing he could, he ran outside and just started to run. He ran until he couldn't run anymore. His body fell to ground and he sat there, feeling empty and even more broken then he already felt. The effects it was was having on Bart were catastrophic. He couldn't handle the pain and loss that he just experienced. Everything was coming down on him in a way he couldn't handle.

After running outside he runs into the kitchen and starts to rummage through all the drawers and cabinets. When his teammates came into his view Jamie asks, "Bart, what are you doing?"

Bart's hands grabs the knife in drawer and he looks up to his friends with red puffy eyes and says, "He's gone.....I don't have anything left....I don't have much time left."

He picks up the knife and holds it up for everyone to see and says, "I'm saving you from the pain you'll go through....I don't want to live if he's not...

"Bart, your not thinking clearly put the knife down. Please..." Some plead with him. They all watch the scene unfold with tear filled eyes.

He goes to stab himself but lightning starts to surge within him and when it reaches everywhere on the inside it spreads to the outside going in every directions. Everyone in the room ducts and Bart sinks to the floor as the lighting bounces off of him. He just sits there and cries his heart out. Until he felt it, Thad's faint heart beat growing until it was a steady rhythm. When the lighting finally dies down his friends and teammates find him with a huge smile on his face, tears still streaming down his face.

In the future, Thad's heart was beating rapidly even though he laid still. Don puts his ear to the young speedsters chest and hears his heart beat, he then lets out a sigh of relief.

Thad's eyes soon open and his own lightning danced in his eyes. He had so much energy coursing through his veins he didn't know what to do with it. He knew that once all the excess energy left his body he'd be back to feeling horrible. So he took this opportunity to run. He wanted to run and not feel any pain in it. He loved running, it calmed him down, gave him a sense of peace like it did most speedsters.

In under a nanosecond, Thaddeus was up to his feet and was running around the compound, doing flips and tricks as he did. He missed doing little dances in the lightning. He remembered a time when he and Bart would do them for the little kids that were there with them in the compound.

The older speedsters watch as he runs. After running around he runs over to Wally and starts to speed talk. Wally having no idea what he's saying and says, "Kid slow down, I can't understand you."

He slows down and says, "Can we get food?"

"Yeah, come on let's get you some food." Wally tells him wrapping his arm around him, pulling him towards the kitchen.

While the two speedsters eat, the workers come back in and they get back to work on the time machine. Since Thad wasn't given much to eat when he was with Eobard, Wally decided to make him some hamburgers. He gets in the freezer and pulls out the hamburger patties and then starts to cook them in a skillet.

When Wally finishes making the hamburgers he sets them on a plate and puts the plate in front of Thad. Thad picks up a hamburger and takes a bite. Once the piece hits his tastebuds he devours the hamburger in seconds. In the next minute he was working on the second. Then when he was finished with the second he moved on to his third and final hamburger.

Back to the past Bart sat their on the floor propped up against a cabinet, tears stained his face. After the lightning subsided Jamie and Tim scooted over close to Bart. Jamie reaches out for Bart's hand and removes the knife from it, "I'm just gonna take this okay, ese."

This time the lighting was a blessing in disguise. If it had happened a minute later they Bart probably wouldn't be sitting there on the floor.

"Have you ever felt someone die?" Bart asks, the question causing them to wonder if Bart's sanity was still intact. Their silence answers his question. "I just did. 28 minutes and 47 seconds ago."

The look in Bart's eyes were a mixture of broken, sad, happy, and you could see a small glimmer of fear. He, just like anyone racing against the clock, was scared to die. He had watched everyone he cared about die. But was he ready to step into void? Heck no.

Changing the subject Bart asks the two, "What do you think happens when we die?"

"I don't know, but many people who have died and came back have said that they feel an over sensation of peace and calmness." Tim replies trying to give his friend some hope that everything was going to be okay.

"I don't know what happens, but I know that your not going anywhere Bart." Jamie replies trying restore that hope that Bart always had.

"I don't think I am either, hermano." Bart tells them, saying the hermano part wrong.

Tim and Jamie get up and Bart just sits there for a few seconds. Bart's hands grab the edge of the counter and tries to pull himself up but fails, pain erupted in his back branching everywhere. Tim and Jamie help Bart up to his feet and get him to the couch. "Don't you think we should take you to the medical bay?"

"No...." Bart states, "I hate it there. It smells weird and the walls make me want to puke."

"But they might have something that could make you feel a little bit better." Tim tells him, trying to convince him to go.

"I know you want to help me but it's not gonna work, they don't have anything that can help." Bart replies curling up into his blanket that was laying next to him.

"I hate to inform you but Impulse is telling the truth. His vitals are decreasing at a steady rate. I'm afraid he doesn't have a lot of time." The scarab tells Jamie in a somewhat sad tone of voice.

Jamie sits next to him and wraps his arms him, enveloping him in a hug. Tim notices what Jamie's doing and joins in on the other side. Bart closes his eyes and when he reopens them, he couldn't hold back the tears that were threatening to escape. He just let them fall.

"I don't want to die..."

In the future Thaddeus had finished eating his food and the time machine was almost finished. There were only a few more parts that needed to be assemble. Thaddeus got back into his costume with the help of Wally. There was enough room for a bag in the time machine so Wally had packed some with some of Thaddeus clothes he found in Bart's old room along with some of Bart's clothes.

Leaning on Wally for support Thad made his was over to the now finished time machine, bag in hand. With a giant headache in tow he hugs Wally and says, "Thank you. Thank you for everything..."

When he pulls away from Wally he moves on to the rest of the Flash family. Them each telling him to be careful and stay safe. After saying goodbye to everyone he climbs into the time machine, the last thing he hears is the mechanical whirling of the machine turning on. Taking him to the past. Taking him to one person.


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