Chapter 6 - Ban, Sin of Greed

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Author Note - I Wrote a part for my other story that was around 4000 words so now that I finished that part I'm working on this story again! Hope you enjoy this part and in not a long time King will be in the story too! I also have to add if people were wondering about (Y/N) and if he is going to have a mega info dump or something then your predication are right but thats for later in the city of the dead arc!

"Hahaha, You two lovebirds done? I'm looking for the way out and I think you may know it!" That sounded like someone who was not a holy knight so that means it must be Ban!

Jericho and I looked over at where the voice came from it it looked like I was right since Jericho got more fired up upon seeing him. Ban was unarmed but it did look like he had blood on him so it seemed he could fight bare handed.

"Holy Knight! I request a weapon, I can be an assistance to the fight!" Jericho was requesting a weapons from me but sadly she was not getting a weapon... Sorry Jericho but this is where we part as being comrades.

I reached into my bag and pulled out a certain dust that I got from some sort of witch a long time ago. I tapped on Jericho's shoulder and once she turned around I blew the dust in her face and it looked like the effect was working once it hit her.

"Sorry Jericho... I was a holy knight awhile ago but I am no longer. If these were different times then maybe I could keep my promise but I can't...Goodbye." She tried walking towards me and looked like she wanted to punch me but she passed out before she could, I caught her as she feel and made sure she did not hit the ground roughly.

"So, your on my side? I have no idea who you are though... So I don't think I can entirely trust you..." Ban started going on about how I was not to be trusted but before he could finish his stupid banter I tossed him some  better clothes.

"My name is (Y/N) and I'm looking for the Deadly Sins along with another person. We already have two sins, Meliodas and Diane. Change your clothes while I finish up with Jericho here." I grabbed out a piece of paper and started writing a note for her once she woke up.

I simply wrote an apology to her and said that if we meet again maybe it will be in a better light. I put the note on her lap so that once she woke up she would notice it right away. I finished making sure everything was ok and turned back to Ban once he was done changing.

"If your done changing lets get going! I don't want to be in this place any longer and I think you also can agree with me." I waved for him to follow me and he went along with it. We ran back form where Jericho and I came from and we looked for the way out and hopefully we would not get lost.

We ran through the prison for I don't know how long but I felt like we were lost again... If Diane was here she could just bust through this place and it would be a breeze. Ban was also not helping the situation since he was blabbing on and on about how it was my fault for knocking out the only person who could help us.

"Shut up! It was not my fault that you had to appear suddenly before I could figure out the exit from her! I swear if you don't shut up Ban you are going to regret it!" I was seriously pissed off and I was almost tempted to stab him with my spear.

"Oh! If your so angry why don't you do something about it... This is a pretty lame rescue and I think you are pretty stupid just charging in here." Ban had officially pissed me off to a new point... I drew my spear and stabbed him right through the chest but sadly since the bastard was unkillable it was just like getting stabbed with a toothpick.

"Hahahaha... Thats a good spear arm you got, I think its time for a little more fun!" He just smiled at me and drew a weapons that I did not know he actually had! I was going to evade his attack but since my spear was still stuck inside of him I couldn't .

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