Chapter 8 - Vaizel Fight Festival

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Finding Diane's sacred treasure was not the hard part, It was getting it without causing any trouble. It was located in some town called Vaizel and while it was stuck in a mountain we could not just steal in since its a prize in some sort of fighting tournament thats held there.

Ban had the great idea for us guys to enter the tournament and see if we could win it. Diane and Elizabeth were going to stay behind since they would have just brought too much attention. The town was very busy considering this fighting festival was a big deal for this place. 

We wondered around the town for awhile before heading to the festival since we still needed information on the other sins. I decided to stop at a book stall, They always had people visiting them so I thought it was the best place to gather information.

I found the nearest one but it seemed it was all ready busy, There was a young guy looking at all the books but it seemed like he was annoying the owner. I walked over to see if I could help since I needed to ask about information.

"Hey, Are you having trouble finding a book?" The young guy who I noticed that he had glasses on looked at me with a blank face "Yes, My friend is tired of his old one and I need a new book for him." I looked at the guy since he seemed kinda...fake? I could not really put my finger on it but he seemed familiar almost.

"Well, If you have been looking at these and not found one yet why not tae one of mine? I have many." I opened my bag and grabbed some books and gave them to the guy. "Thank you, If I may ask but why did you give these to me?" Ha, The guy was defiantly weird since he did not know a kind act.

"You were having a problem so I helped you, There is nothing else to it." The young guy seemed to process  what I had told him "My name is Alan, Thank you once again... If I may ask but whats your name?" "Names (Y/N), Alan, Its been a pleasure." I walked past him and started to talk to the book stall owner and asking about the sins but Alan had not gone away yet.

"Why are you looking for the Deadly Sins?" Alan was still at the stall and he had his blank face and tone but it seemed like he was curious, I thought that he did not seem like an evil guy so I thought we could talk about it.

"I'm looking for the Deadly Sins because of a friend, She wants to reunite them to help her family. We already have four of them but we still need Gowther, Merlin, Escanor. I'm helping them but I'm just looking for Gowther, I need his help in regaining my memories, I lost a lot of them and I need them back.".

Alan seemed to take that all in and he started to talk to me again "If you want I can help you locate Gowther, I happen to know where he is." I thought he was joking at first but Alan had this blank face and no joking tone so he was actually serious "Alan, If you truly do know then I need your help, Please!" "Follow me, its quite the distance.".

I followed Gowther for quite the distance and it looked like we were heading for the forest outside of Vaizel. I was worried about the others wondering where I am but I knew they could handle themselves so I just focused on following Alan.

We eventually reached a cave and once we entered I was shocked at what I saw. There was giant armor set and If my memory was correct it was Gowther's from the wanted poster. "Gowther! What are you doing wondering around the forest like that?" I noticed that his armor seemed to be badly hurt and I was worried since the groans of pain did not help that situation.

"Thats not Gowther." Alan spoke again and I looked at him with an shocked expression "What do you mean? Thats his armor, If thats not him then who is?" I looked around the cave to see if there was someone else in it but it was just Alan, the armor, and me." It then just hit me... If it was not the armor it was...

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