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"Reader, beware.
You ARE the scare!"

Hello, fellas! It's me! Maniacal_Jane15!

Now, just like the title, this book will be filled with scare, weirdness, oddities, confusion, comedy and so on since y'know, it's le' Goosebumps!

I was surprised to see that no one made a Goosebumps Zodiac book here in WattPad so I decided to do it myself!

For your information, this book will mostly be you being a monster(s), ghoul(s) or a creature(s) that existed in the Goosebumps books BUT I will be specific!

Example: -Karloff Mennis will be taking part of 'Panic Park'.
-Byron the Horror will be taking part of 'Panic Park'.

Therefore, these two are members of 'The P.P (Panic Park) Army'!

Now, a REMINDER!! And an example!

Remember that Slappy's included in one of those Panic Park books?? Yes, then HE too counts as a P.P Army soldier because he's obviously involved in it (even though he's in the 'Horrorland Royals' [a group name for the monsters/humans connected to this world of horror] and his original Slappy series!).

It doesn't matter if that certain you are is connected with a LOT series/gangs/kingdoms/clams, it only matters if they are INVOLVED in them!



This book is for FUN so if I put anything here that offends you, please don't take things too seriously!

If you didn't get the Monster you wanted (Example: Slappy because duh! He has a LOT of fangirls), please don't come to me, saying,"You really don't know how to match these monsters precisely by the zodiacs' feelings."

Boi! Clam down (Nope! No autocorrect. Leave it be :3 )! Like I said, this is all for fun and for the fans out there!

True true. There's a high chance of you guys getting offended but please, if it's not personal, please keep your hands and unimportant hurtful words to yourself! If it, by chance, IS personal, there's a 99% I would change a few things!

OooooOoooh!!! And before I forget, I'm tagging Hrollins-and-Slappy for making me make this book! Obviously, I couldn't do it without him voting for it!

And this book is also dedicated to 6SmileGirl who's gonna do her operation soon!

Anyways! Please enjoy! Slow updates are possible but otherwise, I would put maniac notes to inform you all X3


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