Chapter 5

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"Bambam." Mr. Myoui blurted out. "I hate his attitude." Mr. Myoui added and Mrs. Myoui nodded in agreement. It's true, Bambam isn't that kind of guy. Indeed playboy.

So.. It's him? Bambam is handsome, why did Mina reject him? It is because he isn't kind?

"I'll go now, Mr. And Mrs. Myoui." Chaeyoung bow at them before leaving the house. He enter his car and saw Mina standing in front of their gate.

"Take care." Mina mouthed. Chaeyoung just nodded and waved his hand.


"I think I'm in love." Nayeon confessed to one of her pillows and then she rolled on her bed. "With him." Nayeon was thinking about Jungyeon.

Then suddenly, her phone buzzed. Jungyeon's name flashed on her screen, without further ado, she answer the call.

"Hello?" Nayeon managed herself not to sounds excited.

"Hello Nabongs." Jungyeon greeted her with a tease.

"Nabongs?!" Nayeon yelled a bit. She heard a chuckle from the other line.

"Well, shut up, Yoo Ostrich." Nayeon teased back. They were teasing through out the call, but then Jungyeon stop and his voice became serious.

"Nabongs?" Jungyeon utter. Nayeon just hummed in respond.

"Do you like that guy named Jinyoung?"

Nayeon was in deep thought, but not Jinyoung though, it's him, Yoo Jungyeon.

"No." Nayeon replied simply.

"You're in deep thought so, you're thinking about him?"

Nayeon scartched the bridge of her nose.

"Why? You're jealous, don't you?" Nayeon teased, but the other didn't joined her. Jungyeon went serious this time.

"Yes." Jungyeon abruptly replied. Nayeon was shocked, but she thinks, maybe he was just joking, he joined the flow of their conversation.

"Yes? Why? It is because you're my fake boyfriend? And you're fake jealous?" Nayeon asked curiously. Her curiosity is killing her.

"No. It's true Nayeon. I am jealous, because..." Nayeon's phone dead, and that was she realize her phone is out of battery. Geez. She need to charge her phone.

Did Jungyeon was just joking? Or it's true, that he is jealous. Nayeon plugged the charger and she opened her phone. There's a unread message on her inbox. She opened it and read.

JY : let's meet at the park tomorrow.

It's Jungyeon's text. Upon reading his message, Nayeon smile feeling the tingling inside her.

Chaeyoung enter their house with a smile on his face. He went hurriedly to his bathroom, he take a bath for thirty minutes and he sleep.

•time skip•

Mina received a text from Chaeyoung, saying she'll wait there. Mina smile upon reading it.

My Fake Boyfriend [MiChaeng, 2yeon, DahMo, SaTzu]Where stories live. Discover now