Chapter 9

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The girls arrived at the school early than usual. They seems happy. Finally, those four annoying boys stopped from bothering them.

"Minari, did you received the invitation?" Momo asked as soon as they reached their usual table. Mina frowned in confusion.

"Is it about the festival in Japan?" Sana asked and Momo nodded. The three of them were waiting for the others.

"Ah.. Yeah. I got it, I received last night." Mina remembered last night when she open her gmail account.

"So.. You want to go there? My parents knew it already, and they were going." Momo said. "So.. You're going too?" Sana asked as she put a foundation in her face.

"Yes. You two, too. You girls should be there."

"I can't promise." Sana shook her head in disagreement. "Mina, every year during festival, you were performing your ballet, right?" Momo asked and Mina nodded.

"When this festival happen?"

"Next week, I guess?" Momo shrugged her shoulder. "I already practiced my performance." Mina said and smile.

It's true, Mina has her own dance room. She practiced her ballet in her dance room. Same as Momo and Sana, these three Japanese lass were invited. During festival, these three were already known as the J-line dancers in Japan, so the people there were already used to it, that every festival, these three were have their performance.

"Anyway, Mina, how are you with Chaeyoung? Are you still acting?" Sana asked curiously. Mina gulped nervously. "Why Sana? Are you and Tzuyu were real dating now?" Momo asked.

"You will know, later." Sana smirked and tilted her head to Mina, but before she could ask again, Nayeon, Jungyeon and Jihyo arrived at their usual table.

"Hey.." Jungyeon happily greeted them and he sat next to his girlfriend.

"You're so hype today, Jungie." Sana and Momo teased. "You used to it, whenever when I'm with these girl." Jungyeon spread his arm and wrapped it on Nayeon's shoulder.

"Anyway, where's Chaeyoung?" Jihyo asked as she didn't noticed his presence yet. Dahyun and Tzuyu were already there, sitting right next to their fake girlfriends.

Mina was just being silent there. "I'm here." Chaeyoung appeared out of nowhere. Mina smile upon seeing him.

Chaeyoung sat next to Mina. "Did you get enough sleep last night?" Chaeyoung asked. Mina just nod her head. "How about you?"

Chaeyoung pouted and rubbed his eyes. "I didn't get enough sleep last night." He reply with a small yawn. "Why?"

"I don't know? I can't sleep thinking about you." Cheesy yet sweet. The whole squad were listening on them and they sensed that there's something between them.

"Guys." Chaeyoung yelped grabbing their attention. All eyes were on him, waiting for him to speak.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" They asked in unison. Chaeyoung glanced at Mina. Mina who get it what he mean, she nodded in agreement.

"Okay.. Me and Mina were official, were dating." Chaeyoung announced and earned a hug from Jihyo. "I told you, Michaeng is meant to each other. My ship is sailing." Jihyo exclaimed happily. She was happy now seeing her cousin got a good choice to choose a good one. And it's Chaeyoung.

"Ohh.. Congrats." They exclaimed. "So.. Jungyeon and Nayeon, and now Mina and Chaeyoung, wow.. Well, who wouldn't fall for your fake partners, right?" Sana stated. "So.. Chaengie, did you eat her lips?" Sana teased earning a death glare from her best friend, Mina, but she just ignored her deadly glared.

My Fake Boyfriend [MiChaeng, 2yeon, DahMo, SaTzu]Where stories live. Discover now