12 - Forgive This Trouble In My Heart

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I hadn't seen everyone so focused and on the ball quite as much as I had right in that moment. Everyone knew their tasks and what they had to do and didn't waste any time in doing it.

We'd all been getting various things that we needed or thought we needed for when we would go up against The Cardinal and his bunch of goons. We were sorting out weapons, essentials and clothing for in case we had to camp out while we were on our way to face The Cardinal. Rose had set about busying herself with making small packed lunches for us all.

I sat on my bed downstairs, watching Kier as he walked round the room deciding to pack some stuff up for the both of us. There wasn't much more I could do seeing as every time I tried to help he told me that I was doing it wrong and I should probably sit it out. The other four upstairs didn't need any help so: the Timids were sorting through weapons, repairing any that needed it and Luke and Crilly were going through various layouts from the city and surrounding it so we knew where we were going and any places that The Cardinal could be hiding out.

 Finally Kier turned round, holding two small back packs in his hands which he then walked over and dumped them at the bottom of the stairs before turning back to where I was on the bed. He came over and tilted my face up to his before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"How you holding up?" he asked, concern lacing through his voice.

"I'm fine," I said, trying my best to give what I hoped was a reassuring smile but even if it had worked he didn't look too convinced.

He went to open his mouth to speak again when a shout came from Rose upstairs, "I have lunch ready for everyone and the other guys all say that you two need to come up!"

Kier sighed and we kissed lightly again, taking my hand and leading me back upstairs. About half way up the stairs the smell of soup and cooked bread hit us immediately and I felt my stomach growl in hunger. Kier must have heard the noise it made as he looked back and smirked slightly, causing a slight heat to rise to my cheeks.

Rose had plated up everyone's food on the table in the living room and already Luke and Drew were there digging into their meals as though it could be their last one. Barrone and Crilly strolled through the door and took up their seats before tucking into their food as well, me and Kier following suite without much of a problem. And when Rose did come through she perched on Luke's lap, nibbling on a sandwich she'd made for herself.

"So, what's up?" Kier asked, taking a slurp from his soup.

"Well," Luke said after a few moments of silence, "I've spoken to the rest of them and asked whether or not their okay, but I haven't asked you pair... Are you doing okay? Like, there's no problems or upset feelings are anything?"

Me and Kier glanced at each other, both of us shaking our heads at the bearded mans question. "Everything's fine..." I answered cautiously, wondering where this question had suddenly come from, "Are you okay Luke?"

He smiled and nodded, "Yup, totally fine. I was just curious and wanted to make sure everything was okay, and it is so it's great."

We all couldn't help but smile at Luke and how he was being, making sure that we were okay - definitely like an older brother to the group. Rose smiled at him then pecked his cheek lightly which caused him to blush a little but his smile never faltered.

The Timids were both speaking to each other quietly and giggling between them, not caring who ever thought that they were being weird or judged them for it - they were just happy being themselves.

It was then as I looked round the table at my friends that I realised I'd did not so bad with getting them... Even if with three it was because they'd held me at this very house. I didn't have any friends for the first ten years of my life, then Luke came along and then the rest did. And I don't think I would change anything about any of them for the world. I smiled at how mushy my thoughts were being and saw Kier give me a quizzical look but I just smiled more and shrugged my shoulders, earning a chuckle from the red fringed man.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now