26 - If The Disruption Of My Heart, Could Be So Kind

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I watched as Laurence took off after The Cardinal, and I didn't even open my mouth in an attempt to stop him - what was the point? He was after blood, his parents and his friends to be exact. No amount of shouting for him to stop was going to make any difference. He was facing off, shouting at two Heartatack that were standing in front of The Cardinal, but what about I couldn't work out...

I looked round those fighting to see everyone deep in their own battles, someone was missing, but I couldn't place who it was among all the blood and bodies around, I just hoped that all my friends were okay. I wanted to stay here and make sure that they were all okay, and if they weren't go and help them and make sure, but I didn't risk standing still in the midst of everything that was happening and focused back on myself before I got stabbed or shot.

I suddenly felt as though something wasn't quite right and I turned round just as a Heartatack was about to bring an axe crashing down into my skull. I barely had time for my eyes to go wide before I ducked to the side, hearing the metal clang against the pavement. The build of the Heartatack was fairly tall, but he was skinny and lanky and I knew that under the black clothes it was clad in that it was probably a child that had been threatened with either they're own life or someone close to them if they didn't do as it was told.

The axe was obviously a little too heavy for him as he struggled picking it back up to swing it round at me again. I jumped up and kicked them in the stomach causing them to double over and then kneed them in the face. They dropped onto the ground with a wheeze, curling up and clutching their stomach with one arm and their face with the other. I felt a twinge of guilt in my stomach as I thought it could still be a child, but I quickly brushed it off as they started to get up.

I sighed and picked them up before tossing them to the other side of the street, they crashed off the wall with a loud thud and landed on the ground. I half expected them to start moving again but they didn't get back up.

Another glance up I saw people still running between the clashing swords and banging guns in an attempt to get to safety. Even though people were fleeing to safety and they were taking the children out of harms way, there seemed to be a lot less kids here despite all that. A loud, high pitched scream made me jump, I looked round to see a group of three Heartatack dragging a boy and a girl away, not seeming effected by their squirms and thrashes.

I growled and ran across the square and to where they were, half way down and laughing between themselves, but the screams and cries still rang out louder. "HEY!" I shouted, clenching my fists as I kept going.

Their heads all snapped out and one of them growled, tossing the kid to the other. They withdrew their sword and charged at me, raising it ready to strike but I lifted mine up and blocked it easily so the metal clashed together and rang out down the street, bouncing off the walls.

I couldn't see his face, but I was sure that he was smirking to himself as he pushed down on the sword to try and get me to cave in first. I glanced to the side and saw that the other two had continued to take them away, only now the children were squirming a whole lot more - a lot more determined all of a sudden.

This suddenly gave me a little motivation and I kneed the Heartatack in the crotch, causing him to loosen his grip on the sword and this then gave me the chance to shove him back and rip off his mask. It revealed one of the guards that had worked closely with myself and Laurence, and I growled deeply. I didn't have any time in my life for traitorous scum like him that would go behind our backs, no matter how many times I'd sparred with him in order to train up some new recruits. Before he could even make a move I lifted my sword and slit across his throat, feeling nothing as I watched him go. He had betrayed my trust.

As his body crumpled to the ground in front of me I saw that the other two share a view before they both threw the children to the side and charged at me. The little girl looked up at me and I nodded to her, which she thankfully understood and did the same back, grabbing the boys hand and running down the street away from the danger. The two Heartatack hadn't noticed anything thankfully, and I couldn't help but smirk as I bent down and picked up the Heartatack's sword, holding it in my free hand and standing ready to attack them.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now