21 - But Don't You Come Cryin'...

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The night had been very uncomfortable and painful, no one really settling down very well and being on edge the whole time in case they came back. Drew had spent most of the time sobbing quietly, with Barrone at the side trying his best to comfort him, and Falkor had been coughing near enough the whole time... I felt sorry for them both, especially Falkor considering how much pain he was clearly in, having troubles breathing wasn't doing much good for him.

From what I heard throughout last night, we more or less all got the shit kicked out of us.

My eyes sprung open as I heard the door being unlocked and I went to move, only feeling pain shoot through my body and I let out a hiss. One of the men who I had come to know as Roland, and we had all had the pleasure of getting to know in the few days I was here without anyone else walked in, looking around at us all and smirking.

"Everyone still feeling a little broken and tender after last night?"

"Fuck off," I said, my voice coming out a lot weaker than I wanted it to and making me mentally slap myself for doing so.

"Touchy, touchy, Princey boy," he chuckled as he walked over to Kier, running a hand through his hair and tugging it back harshly.


My sudden yell seemed to have brought the others round as well, as they all began to stir, some of them even jumping awake but all freezing up again slightly as they saw who was standing there in the room.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me, you worthless piece of shit," he snarled, storming over and striking me hard across the face. I yelped as my head snapped round, pain shooting through my already sore face, earning a chuckle from the big man in front of me.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" Kier cried back, "Hurt me instead, not Laurence."

"Don't you lot know anything about self preservation?"

"We look out for each other, you parasite," I heard Luke growl from my side, tugging at his chains.

He let out a long, rumbling laugh, "Well, you're going to just have to do that now. Someone will be in to make you all look a little bit more presentable soon, can't have you all looking like a mess in the presence of The Cardinal - he wouldn't like that, not one bit."

I tried to stop the whimper that was forming, looking at no one so I wouldn't break down. He was coming today, and we weren't prepared for any kind of fight that was going to happen, we weren't even armed, and chained up to the wall like a bunch of fucking animals, we really were trapped in here. The odds were stacking up, and unfortunately for us they were't in our favour. And from the looks on everyone's faces, I wasn't the only one who was thinking it.

Roland smirked, seeming to realise what was going through our heads, "Oh boys, you should have known that you could have never won against The Cardinal. And if you had all been smart and left The Prince on his own, you would all be somewhere else, not even thinking about death and your impending doom. You were ever so silly to join the losing side's campaign."

"I think you'll find that you're the one who's on the losing side," Falkor spoke up from the side, surprising us all by how strong his voice sounded.

He turned and kicked the unsuspecting young male in the gut, a cry coming from his mouth as he curled up slightly. "I don't think so."

And with that Roland left, slamming the door behind us and plunging us into almost total darkness. There was a little bit of light in the room, and now that Roland was gone I was able to take a proper look around at my friends and to see the damage that had been inflicted on them last night... There were a lot of bruises and scratches on everyone. I winced slightly at the memory of their blades and claws, shaking my head to get the thought out before I started tugging on the chains once again.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now