13 - Don't You Know What I'd Give To Take This Pain Away

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It didn't take too long for us to walk through the woods, but even then it was already starting to get dark and no one wanted to be in the woods in when night time hit. That wouldn't be very fun for anyone, and it would make us all become a whole lot more vunerable than we had been a while ago in the house. We would be sitting ducks...

The whole journey I had been on edge, always checking behind our group to make sure that no one was following us - but despite everything, nothing would keep me calm. I was convinced we were being watched, stalked from a distance while our enemies tried to take their chance to attack us, then we would be fucked for sure.

I let out a small sigh, once again turning back round to the way that I'd been walking when I saw that there was no one there. Surprise, surprise. But I was happy to see where I could only assume was our destination, the place that all this would be for. It was a small wooden cabin that had some smoke coming from the top and just looked all round cosy and warm...something you'd expect that would host a sweet old lady that baked pie - I don't know why that was the first thing that came to my mind, but oh well.

"You should all be safe here," Crilly said quietly, before pushing the door open and walking inside.

It was exactly what I'd been expecting when I saw the outside of the building: very homey and a place that you should feel safe from just looking at it. There were three guys inside, all sitting round on big chairs and a sofa which faced the fireplace, and they all had drinks in their hands. It seemed that they hadn't seen or heard us come in as they were laughing and chatting away with each other, throwing the odd pillow at one another.

As I thought about the fact that they hadn't seen us they all stopped what they were doing and looked up at us, before jumping to their feet, concern lacing their faces.

"What the fuck happened?" the one with black spiky hair, hidden in a beanie said.

"We were attacked, Nico, nothing too bad," Crilly reassured him.

"Not too bad? You all look like shit," the other one - with blond hair offered, shaking his head.

"Just need some bandages and wipes and we'll be totally fine."

None of them looked very convinced but they seemed quite content with leaving the topic be and getting on with finding whatever was needed to help us. The one with slightly longer black hair and a beard hadn't spoken yet, but he was still going in and out of cupboards as he tried to find something - I couldn't work out what it could be.

"So that's Nico," Crilly said as he pointed to the first one that spoke then he turned to the other dark haired man, "That's Jim, and that's Falkor," he finished as he turned and pointed to the blond.

None of them really responded as Crilly said their names, all appearing with various sized boxes that contained a lot of first aid stuff... I wonder how many times these guys had used them?

The six of us were sat down round the fire, Crilly offering to make everyone some tea and coffee, which we were all grateful for before the others started handing out some wipes and cloths to help us with any blood that was caught on our faces. Once our faces were cleared of any blood or dirt, the ice packs appeared and were pressed onto our bruises - and there were quite a few hisses of pain and surprise at the cold compress.

I turned to Kier to help him balance the ice pack when Falkor came scuttling over, tilting Kier's face up to his and looking at the hole where his piercing had once been with a slightly quizzical look.

"Come with me, we'll see if I have a spare piercing that can fit through where yours should be," the one called Falkor said, standing and motioning for Kier to follow him through to where I could only assume their bedrooms were, to which my red fringed boyfriend did.

Don't You Come Crying When They're Rippin' Out Your Throats (Sequel to AsHollow)Where stories live. Discover now