Chapter Eight

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Alice's Point of View

Zayn and I had been just hanging out with Louis and Harry for about an hour. I learned that Harry is a huge perv and he's turned Louis into one.

"So, when are you going to try and see Niall again, Alice?" Louis asked.

I just shrugged. "I just don't know when the right time is. He'll probably be mad I left and he probably wants no part of me anymore." I said, looking down.

"I don't know about that. All he does is talk about how much he misses you."

"Why would he miss me?"

"Because your his sister. Just because your adopted doesn't mean he doesn't love you."

I sighed. "I'm gonna go back to bed."

"You sure?" Zayn asked. I nodded and got off his lap, walking into the room with my head down. I laid back down and just stayed there thinking. I had always been a person who could just sit there and think for hours upon hours no matter what was going on around me.

So I stayed there and thought. I thought about Niall. I thought how much I missed him. I NEEDED to talk to him. Like, soon. I had to do it. Now. I reached in my pocket and pulled out my phone with trembling hands. I didn't know why I was so nervous. Then, it clicked. I was having an anxiety attack. Why?! Why now? I took my medication.

I tried to calm down, but it was uncontrolable. Eventually, I passed out.

Zayn's Point of View:

I went into the room where Alice and I were staying and I saw her laying there. I figured she was sleeping, but something in my gut told me something was wrong. I shook her to try and wake her up, but she didn't budge. I suddenly got a nervous feeling in my stomach. I was scared and I didn't know what to do.

I decided to just be a man about this. I picked her up and took her out to where Harry and Louis were.

"She's unconcious! Help me here!" They both jumped up.

"Hospital. Let's go."

I left with them and got into Louis's car. I sat in the back with Alice in my arms. I looked down at her and felt tears in my eyes. Why was I crying over her? She wasn't supposed to mean anything to me. What am I saying? I loved her. I couldn't tell her, though. I started to think that I might never talk to her again. That just made me cry more. I just wanted her to wake up.

I saw Louis pull up to the hospital and I jumped out with Alice still in my arms. Harry was already in, and he already checked Alice in. We took her to a room and they put her in the bed. They told us we couldn't stay while they worked on her. I walked out of the room reluctantly and sat down in the waiting room.

Harry sat beside me. "Why are you so worried, Zayn? I know you like her. I see it, but there's nothing to be worried about. I'm sure she'll be fine."

"Harry, I'm worried because I love her! I don't just like her! Okay? I know I barely know her, but I just feel like I can connect with her. I feel like we've gone through the same things. We were in that place for almost the same reason. I loved my ex, but she hurt me. I almost died for her."

Harry just rolled his eyes. "Will you just call her by her name?"

"Harry, do you care at all that she almost made me kill myself?"

"Of course. But you have to let it go. Especially, if you "love" Alisson."

"It's Alice."

"Alice, Alisson, whatever."

I rolled my eyes. I was extremely worried, everything was going horrible, and he was pissing me off even more.

"Harry, just go. I don't need this right now."

"Fine. Whatever, Zayn." He got up and went outside. I was getting stressed and was wanting to do one thing. Smoke. Alice didn't know I smoked. I never told her and I kept a pack of cigarettes in my bag. I hadn't smoked one of them since I met Alice. I felt like I didn't need to. But right now, I was so stressed out. What if Alice smelt it on my breath when I saw her? IF I ever see her.

Every negative thought ran through my mind. It made me want to start crying again. I remembered Louis was there and he barely said a word. I looked up and saw him sitting there, doing something on his phone.

"Lou, what are you doing?"

"I'm texting Niall. Alice could be dead for all we know." I flinched at his words.

"Don't you dare say that." I said, quietly.

"I know you like her, mate-"

I cut him off. "Louis! Did you hear ANYTHING I said to Harry?! I don't just "like" Alice! I LOVE her! It's not a silly little crush, okay?"


"Yes! Why would I be stressing out so much if I didn't?"

"I don't know, okay?" He got up and left.

I started to feel kind of bad. I made both of them leave, but it's not my fault I'm stressing out. I needed to see Alice. But then what if I don't ever again? I kept thinking that. It wouldn't end. My mind was torturing me. I needed a break from this or just something to get my mind off this.

Talking In Circles (Zayn Malik love story) *FINISHED*Where stories live. Discover now