Day one (normal high school AU)

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Simon sat in the drama room rehearsing his lines for what seemed like the billionth time. He was a great actor but a terrible speaker, he could give a scene emotion but not articulate dialogue. He rubbed his eyes and looked at his phone.

"8:30pm, Jesus Christ," he muttered to himself, he usually didn't stay that late but he lost track of time.

'Shit it's going to be dark out now,' he thought, it was always dark by eight this time of year. Simon hated walking home in the dark but he didn't have a car or friends that could pick him up. He stood up and walked out of the drama room locking it behind him. One thing he didn't hate about this school was the drama teacher, she was always nice to Simon and had "accidentally" left the door unlocked for him every night. He put the key on the top of the door frame like he always did. Simon started sneaking down the stairs, he didn't want the drama teacher to get in trouble if anyone saw him. 

Baz sat on the hood of his car in the parking lot of the school smoking. It wasn't that he particularly wanted to be at school it was more that he didn't have anywhere to go, his house certainly wasn't an option with his father home again. Baz's father had left nine years ago, Baz was seven. After his father left his aunt Fiona was his technical guardian as his mother had died when he was three, but Fiona wasn't exactly guardian material, half the time she was high, or drunk, or both. Baz had spent the last nine years taking care of himself but now his father was back with his new wife and insufferable children to try and "make amends" which Baz knew was total bullshit, he came back for the money that Baz's mother had left for Baz when he turned eighteen.

As Baz smoked and thought, he heard the doors of the school open with a creak, a cute boy with bronze curls and sky blue eyes stepped out.

As Simon prepared himself for the cold, dark walk home he saw a boy he recognized from the halls, he was wearing a leather jacket, smoking a cigarette on the hood of his car. Simon blushed a little because he felt weird walking out of a school at this hour of the night, the boy probably thought he was some nerd who stayed at school to do extra work, which wasn't completely untrue. 

Just as Simon turned to start walking towards home he heard the boy call out.

"Simon Snow? Right?"

Simon blushed even deeper he was flustered, to say the least, that the boy knew his name. He turned around and nodded a little. 

Baz had no clue what he was doing, he didn't usually call out to cute boys in deserted parking lots but he did tonight. When Simon turned around he was almost at a loss for what to say but he saved himself by asking, "you're not walking home in the dark, are you?" with more concern than he should have for a practical stranger. 

Simon heard something he didn't expect in the boy's voice, concern. He had expected the boy to say something mean like everyone else he had met at this school. 

"Um, ya. I... I don't have a ride," Simon said 

Baz smiled a little at his golden opportunity to come to the rescue.

"Well now you do, get in, I'll take you." 

Simon stood in his place, too nervous to move. He knew getting into a car with a person he barely knew was a bad idea but the boy seemed so genuine and it really was freezing out.

"Okay," Simon said as he walked over to the boy. 

His dark hair and sharp cheekbones were even more distinct in the bright light of the street lamps. 'God, he's pretty.' Simon thought.

Baz slid off the hood of his car and put out his cigarette as Simon walked over and stood under the light of the street lamp. Simon's bronze curls turned golden in the light. 

Simon stood awkwardly, a few feet away from Baz. 

"Thanks, you really don't have to," he mumbled.

Baz smiled, "I don't mind. I haven't got anything else to do and it's far too cold to walk."

Simon blushed when Baz opened the door for him. Baz slid into the driver's seat.

"So, what's your story, Snow," Baz asked nonchalantly.

"What do you mean, my story?" Simon asked, confused.

"Well, It isn't every day that I meet someone else who hangs out at school at nine o' clock," Baz said with a smirk.

Simon laughed nervously as Baz started the car. He was embarrassed to admit that he had just spent five hours sitting in an empty room talking to himself. 

"I was working on the school play actually," he said shyly. 

Simon looked over, Baz was smiling, not a mean smile just a smile. Simon got some of his confidence back. 

"So... what's your story?" Simon ask curiously.

Baz stopped smiling for a second but he quickly regained his cocky attitude.

"Oh I just sit outside the school waiting for cute theatre boys," he said slyly.

Simon made a squeaking noise. 'Cute, he thinks I'm cute. Jesus. Oh hell what do I say now.' Simon thought. 

Simon just stuttered awkwardly until he managed to say, "I never caught your name."

"Tyrannus Basilton Grimm Pitch, but I go by Baz," he said coolly. "

"Wait if I'm driving you home I should probably know where "home" is," Baz said as he turned out of the parking lot.

Simon gave him the address.

"Jesus fuck, Snow that's halfway across London it would have taken you at least forty minutes to get home," Baz exclaimed with shock. 

Simon shrugged.

"You do that walk every day?" Baz asked with concern.

Simon nodded.

"Not anymore! Fuck that! I'll drive you home every day," Baz said fiercely. 

Simon was about to protest but Baz put up his hand.

"And not a word about it."

Simon was quiet, "Okay."

Baz sighed "So I guess I have to tell you why I was really hanging out in the school parking lot after hours."

Simon shrugged 

"I hate my house, my father came back after nine years of pretending I don't exist so he could take the money my mother left for me," Baz blurted out, he didn't make a habit of spilling his life story to people he had just met ten minutes ago but it felt good to let it out. 

Simon nodded empathetically, "I hate my house too, my mum left a few years ago and my dad thinks I'm a walking sin," Simon said flatly.

"A walking sin?" Baz asked interested.

Simon looked out the window, he wasn't sure he was ready to tell Baz about it. He did anyways.

"My dad is probably the most homophobic person I know, he threatened to kick me out of the house," Simon said almost sadly.

"You're gay?" Baz asked with keen interest and a smile, "Everything is going my way today," he winked.

Simon blushed.

"With this new information I will not only drive you home from school but now I also plan to take you for coffee," Baz smiled at his complete and utter success in making Simon a blushing mess. 

A few minutes later Baz pulled up to Simon's house, they both sat quietly for a few minutes.

"How will I know where to find you... if I want to see you again?" Simon asked still blushing.

"IF? Ouch. Well I suppose you'll have to call the number I slipped into your pocket earlier," Baz teased.

Simon frowned in confusion and felt through the pocket of his sweater and sure enough there was a slip of paper.

Simon smiled he didn't move. 

Suddenly he leaned over the centre console and pecked Baz on the cheek before running out of the car into his house.

"I'm living a charmed live," Baz whispered as he drove away.

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