Day 4 (date night)

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Simon sat bare-chested on the kitchen table with his legs crossed. Baz was standing behind him pointing his wand at Simons wings, he was trying out a new spell to hide them. Penelope watched, amused as Baz cursed. 

"These bloody wings are such a nuisance," he said as Simon's wings faded back into sight. 

"Just let me do it, Baz," Penelope whined, "This is painful to watch."

Baz rolled his eyes but stepped out of the way so Penelope could spell Simon's wings and tail invisible. 

"These aren't the droids you're looking for," Penelope said clearly with her ring pointed at the leathery wings that protruded from Simon's back.

Simons wings and tail dissolved into thin air, the spell wouldn't wear off until sometime in the middle of the night. Simon glanced back to make sure his wings were completely gone before pulling on his white t-shirt. He hopped off the table and thanked Penelope.

"So are we ready to go yet..." Simon asked impatient and excited.

Baz rolled his eyes and nodded grabbing his keys off the kitchen counter. 

"Have fun," Penelope said from the couch where she was typing madly on her laptop.

Simon smiled widely at her as he stepped out of their apartment. 

"So where exactly are you taking me?" Simon said excitedly.

Baz laughed, "It wouldn't be a very good surprise if I told you, now would it."

Simon sat impatiently in the car, it felt like they had been driving for hours although it had probably only been thirty minutes. They had driven outside the city when Baz suddenly turned off onto a new road. Simon looked out into the distance, he saw a faint glow behind a tree line. As they got closer Simon saw a Ferris Wheel, spinning teacups, and many small colourful stands. 

"Are we going to the carnival?!" Simon asked, his eyes lit up with child-like excitement. 

"No, I'm taking you to a stuffy restaurant," Baz said sarcastically, he paused for effect, "Yes, of course, I'm taking you to the carnival," He said with a smile when Simon looked slightly disappointed.

Simon was almost squealing with excitement when they walked up to the entrance. Baz grabbed his hand so he didn't get lost in the small herd of people who were leaving.

"What do you want to do first?" Baz asked smiling.

"The teacups!" Simon said grinning.

Baz laughed, Simon was like a nine-year-old when it came to carnivals. 

They stood near the entrance to the first ride until the round was over and they could get on. Simon sat across from Baz in the small green teacup already grabbing the wheel in front of them that would make them spin faster while the whole ride rotated. As soon as the ride started Simon started spinning the heavy metal wheel with some help from Baz. Simon didn't expect it to spin quite so fast he slid around the round bench falling into Baz, they both erupted in a storm of laughter. When the ride finally stopped Simon was practically sitting in Baz's lap. They both got off the ride and immediately fell down on the grass. After they could see straight again Baz helped Simon off the grass and they walked towards the games. Simon was surprisingly good at carnival games considering how uncoordinated he usually was. He won a colourful slinky and turned to Baz.

In all mock seriousness, he said, "look Baz this slinky's about as straight as you," Simon held back giggles.

"hmm lucky you," Baz said slyly before they both started laughing like little kids.

After playing some more games Baz found a cotton candy stand and got some for Simon. They walked and talked and ate the sugary pink fluff until finally, the carnival was about to close, they had time for one last thing.

"Alright, I've saved the best for last," Baz said as he led Simon to the Ferris Wheel.

Simon looked away awkwardly, "I don't know, it looks pretty high up," he said.

Baz raised an eyebrow, "Simon, are you afraid of heights? How? You literally grew wings and flew. Multiple times." Baz said with surprise.

"Yeah but those were all life threatening and I was only half conscious most of those times," he said defensively.

"Okay, we don't have to but if you did want to I would hold your hand all the way," Baz said understandingly.

Simon looked up a little, "promise?"


They waited for the next round to start and got in an empty seat. Simon was already gripping Baz's hand like his life depended on it. The wheel spun up so the next people could get on. Simon moved closer to Baz, holding his arm now. They went higher and higher until the Ferris Wheel was full, then they started moving faster, Simon clung to Baz for the first few rounds but eventually, he loosened his grip and smiled a little.

"Not so bad?" Baz asked

"Not so bad," Simon replied.

Simon started laughing as he put his hands in the air. Baz watched in amusement. When the ride was over Simon and Baz stumbled off in a fit of giggles. They were walking to the car when Baz noticed Simons wings starting to reappear. When they were in the car Simon pulled his shirt off just in time for his wings to fling out, hitting Baz in the face. 

"You've lost too many shirts to those bloody wings," Baz said as he pulled out his wand and tried to cast the spell Penelope had earlier, it worked, not as well as Penelope's but enough that Simon could put his shirt back on until they got home.

Simon yawned and smiled, "tired," he said as he leaned on the car door.

Baz drove with the radio turned down, he glanced at Simon after a few minutes. Simon's head rested on the car window, he was fast asleep.

"Good date," Baz quietly commended himself.

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