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     i remember going into our last year of junior high. just the summer before i had told you that perhaps i was interested in guys. what i didn't tell you was that you were the only guy i was interested in. 

     do you know how much it hurt having you try to set me up? and i kept telling you "hongseok, it's fine" "hongseok, i don't need someone" "hongseok, i'll find someone later." you told me you wanted me to be happy. i was happy as long as i had you. 

     it was high school when you started dating. i still remember the first girl. yoon jinhye. she made you so happy. i love seeing you happy. but then things went in a different direction. it went from us spending every day together to me seeing you on the weekend when i'd third wheel. 

     i remember when she broke up with you. you were crushed. you cried for days. i was there for you. i brought tissues, ice cream, movies, flowers, anything you wanted. it killed me to see you so sad. you didn't need to be sad. i wanted to see you smile again. 

     i think that's when it started. i wanted to see you happy so i gave you a kiss on the cheek. and then we kissed again. and then again and again and again. and you smiled. and after a while you got over her. and then you got another girl. and eventually things between us progressed.

Hate You - JinhongseokWhere stories live. Discover now