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"For the last fucking time, Bronwyn, I'm buying," Niall whispered harshly as I fished for my credit card. I glared at him and continued to search for my wallet before he grabbed my wrist, pulled it out of my bag, and dragged me along through the grocery store.

I pouted like a toddler. "I can do things alone, you arse," I grumbled, letting myself be tugged down the isle.

Niall was pushing a full trolley of groceries with one hand, and he gave me a look. "Let me be a gentleman for once," he muttered as we walked up to the till. I watched in horror as the cashier rung up over 90£ worth of food.

Putting my hands over my face, I refused to look anymore as Niall paid. When we were walking out to the car, I turned to him. "I'll repay you for that, you know. You can't just go around buying people's food like that."

"Oh, but I can, and I will; as long as it's you."

It'd been three days since the car ride with the drunk boy I hardly knew, and three days since he'd stupidly offered to lend me a hand with whatever it was I needed. So far, the help has been okay, but I still wish he let me do at least some things on my own.

"You're so stubborn," he stated whilst taking all of the bags from my hands.

I grabbed two back pointedly, putting them in the car by myself. "I don't know what you're talking about," I sniffed.

He chuckled, and went straight to work loading the car. The drive back to mine was a little uncomfortable. There was this...newness with him, a silence that was different from anything I'd ever experienced around a person. It's always so awful, because I never know when it might arise. One minute, we'd be laughing and teasing each other like old mates, and then at the worst moment, like now, we'd have nothing to say.

He suddenly turned to me from his seat in the passenger side, and I looked away quickly, and tried to focus on the road ahead. "Winnie," he chuckled. "I hate to tell you this, but you're not a race car driver."

"Who said I was?"

"Your speedometer," he smiled widely, showing a set of perfect, white teeth.

I rolled my eyes. "Not funny."

"You wish you were as funny as me," he nudged my arm.

"Don't hit the driver!"

"I hardly touched you!"

We pulled up to the house just as I was grumbling a string of expletives at him. Hannah, with Jax on her hip, came bounding out the front door to help. "Winnie!" Jax shouted excitedly, holding out his arms for me. I gladly took him, hoisting him on top of my hip.

"Horan," Hannah greeted playfully.

"Scottsborough," he laughed his signature laugh, and carried the few bags into the house.

I bounced Jax on my hip, and he giggled happily. "Jaxie, do you think Niall is a nice boy?" I asked as I carried him into the house with me.

"Yes!" He agreed. "Winnie and Niall!"

"What about Winnie and Niall?" Niall was suddenly by my side, Jax reaching for him. I'm not going to lie, I had grown to like this stubborn, rambunctious boy; partly because Jax absolutely adored him.

"Ni!" he yelled, and I handed my little brother over to him. Watching Niall with Jax made me the happiest I have been in a while. He was so good with him, and Jax needed a masculine figure in his life. I guess he saw Niall as that.

I laughed at the two mucking about in the front room. "Are you staying for supper?" I asked casually, trying not to become distracted by his ocean coloured eyes.

"I made some plans with the boys; figured you wanted me out of your hair for a night," he smiled. "But if you need help, I'd cancel--"

"You've done so much for me already. Go have your fun," I waved his offer away. He sat Jax down on the floor, where he then began to untie one of my shoelaces. Niall was staring at me in a strange way, and I cocked my head in confusion. "What is it? Have I got something in my hair?"

He shook his head, taking his eyes off of me for a moment. "No, no. I'm just...thinking," he sighed. "I'd best be leaving now so I'm not late." I nodded, and we walked to the door in silence.

"Well, I'll see you around, yeah?" He asked.

"You know where to find me."

I accidentally stepped on the untied lace of my Keds and tripped a bit as I opened the door.

What happened next I don't think either of us were expecting, but somehow I ended up smashed against his chest, his arm around my shoulder in almost a half-hug.

I turned red instantly when he let go of me after a moment. "So, yeah. I'll uh, I'll call you," I stumbled, noticing the green and grey tints in his eyes. They really were beautiful.

"See you later," He smiled crookedly, and was out the door like lightning, leaving me alone and with a confused heart.


Niall's POV:

"So when are we going to meet this mystery girl you've been sneaking off with?" Louis smirked as he took a sip of his drink.

I felt my face heat up at his comment, and I took a swig of my beer to hide it. The boys and I were sitting around the island of Harry's new home. We'd decided to get a house in Mullingar for the lot of us to escape our fans. It's not that we were running away (well, we were, from the ones who were completely bonkers), we just...needed to take some time off. Especially since the paparazzi incident.

But now I was getting wrapped up in thoughts of Bronwyn, and the lads were starting to stare. "I'm not sneaking off," I defended. "She just...needed some help."

"Sure, sure," Harry winked.

How to explain...The way Winnie and I met again wasn't necessarily in the most pleasant way. I never expected to find her again, let alone make an absolute arse of myself. I was still wondering if she'd forgiven me yet.

All I wanted was for the perfect girl of my childhood to remember me. But I couldn't really dwell on it any longer because the boys were staring at me again. Jesus Christ, Niall, pull yourself together!

"Does she know about...?" Zayn asked, worry in his eyes.

I shook my head. "Win is different from them; she always has been. She's too wrapped up in other things," I explained. "Besides, even if I tried to tell her the truth, I don't even know what she would do."

"Still, I think you should tell her," Liam pointed out.

I groaned, exasperated. "How do you think that would work out? 'Hey Winnie, I really like spending time with you. And oh, did I mention that I'm in a world famous boy band? And also, if that wasn't enough, we may or may not have been childhood best friends, but you don't remember me at all'? It's hopeless!"

"She's going to reconise you soon enough," Harry said. "In the meantime, she probably deserves a good snog to help her remember, aye Nialler?"

I smacked his arm forcefully. "Fuck off, Harry."

"I'm just saying," Harry smirked.

I sighed. They were never going to leave me alone about this.

"Listen mate, whatever happens happens. She's bound to remember," Liam smiled, clapping me on the back.

"Yeah, I hope so," I sighed. I really hope so.

a/n: Chaptah treeee! I hope you are all enjoying it so far! Don't forget to comment :)

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