*Chapter 3*

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*No I am not just a fucking fast typer lol. I am copying them from my Quotev page xx* 

I hear a knock softly on the door and slowly wake up. I take out my phone and look at the time. 3 am. What the fuck? I sigh and get up stumbling over the nightstand and go to the door and open it. In the dark I could already tell it was Harry. Tall, and his eyes were easily seen in the dark. I feel his hand softly take mine and bring me away. He takes me into a room and shuts the door and then turn on the light. I look around and see were in his room again. "Why did you bring me in here at 3 am?" I said yawning. "I can't sleep...Because of earlier.. When we uh, kissed..." He says pulling me onto the bed with him. "Why did you kiss me? Did it mean something..?" He says softly coming closer to me. I go wide eyed. Did he actually think I liked him? I scoot away a little. "It was to get you to shut up and calm down," I said harshly then standing up. "Now, I am going to bed." I said starting to walk away then feel his hand grab my wrist then feel him bring me as close as he can. "Can you please stay..." He says whispering in my ear making sure I can feel his lips on my ear. I slowly get goosebumps and slowly nod. Then I see him turn off the light and come back onto the bed and lay down. I sigh and lay down next to him. I feel his strong arms softly wrap around me and bring me close to him and hold me tight. I go wide eyed more. I started to get more goosebumps. He notices and brings me even closer, if that's possible, thinking I am cold. I hesitate but snuggle into him and slowly fall asleep. 


I slowly wake up and see my head is on Harry's chest. I can hear his heart beating. Who knew he had a heart... I yawn and slowly and quietly try to get up without waking him. Then I feel his arms wrap around me. I look at him and see him still sleeping. I sigh and try to get his arms off of me. 

I finally get them off after 10 minutes and slowly and quietly run out of the room. I look around the house and decide to take a little walk through the house. I start walking around and go into different rooms. Half of them are locked. I go into one room and then run into someone and spill juice all over them that they were holding. I look up and see a man with black hair, and dark brown eyes. "Oh my God... I am so sorry...," I say and going on the ground and picking up his glass and standing back up. He chuckles and smiles at me. "It's fine," He says. I smile a little and give him his glass. "I'm Cali by the way..." I say slowly. He smiles at me. "I'm Zayn... I'm Harry's best friend," He says. I go wide eyed. "Oh...Um..." I say slowly not really knowing what to say. He laughs. "Trust me, I won't tell him... He can be a little..." He says trying to find the right words. "Mean? Or bitchy..." I say and he laughs and nods. "Well I will see you later," Zayn says then leaving. I go into the room and see a giant kitchen. I go to the fridge and get some water then leave. I walk around more and then find another door. I go to it and open it and go wide eyed. I see a man around the same age as Harry tied up. He has dirty blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes. I hurry and go to him and take off the duck tape off his mouth softly without hurting him.

Then I start to untie the ropes. "Thank you..." He says softly. I nod and untie him. "How long have you been here?!" I say looking at him. "What month is it?" He says slowly. I go wide eyed. I stand up and take his hand softly and help him up. "Let's get you something to eat..." I say leading him to the kitchen. He goes wide eyed. "I can't eat! Harry will kill me!" He says trying to make me stop. "You are eating!" I said and going to the fridge. "Besides, He wouldn't kill you.. He would kill me, I'm the one who let you go and brought you into here..." I said taking out eggs, bacon, pancake mix, biscuits, and sausage. He sighs. "I can't let him kill you...You're too sweet..." I give him a soft smile. "I will be fine... What's your name by the way?" I said starting to cook. He smiles. "Niall, What's your's?" He says looking at me. I smile. "Cali," I said. 


I sit down next to him and eat with him. After we finished we hurried and put our plates away. I look at Niall. "Do you know anything about Harry?" I say. He nods slowly. "He wasn't born a jack ass, I can tell you that," He says laughing. I giggle. "Anything else?" I say. He nods. "We used to be best friend's... He used to have a girlfriend too... He kept her here, He protected her...," He says then looks at me. "She looked kinda like you..." He says. I go wide eyed. "Anyways, I kinda liked her, But I wouldn't steal her from Harry, And she liked me. A lot... She kissed me and Harry saw... He got mad and angry... He took it too far... He got rid of the girl and tied me up and locked me in the room you found me in.." He says looking down. I go wide eyed. "We need to get out of here...Before Harry wakes up," I say quietly. He goes wide eyed. "How?! What if we get caught, Harry will kill us!!" He says. "We NEED to get out of here. Cmon, Let's go wake up Sydney." I say then running to the room with him.


*Sydney's P.O.V.*

"You're insane Cali... We're so going to get caught..." I say. She rolls her eyes and points. "There's the way we came into the house, Cmon..." She says. "Wait!" I hear someone yell. I turn around and see Zayn. Cali looks at him. "What?!" She says. "Please... Take me with you... Harry makes me stay here..." He says. I go wide eyed and smile softly and take his hand. I then see her and hurry and go to the door. We all hurry behind her. She slowly opens the door and waits for us to go through it. I go through the door slowly with Zayn. "HEY!" I hear behind us. I turn around and go wide eyed and see Harry. I hurry and grab Zayn's hand and run...

*Niall's P.O.V.*

I go wide eyed and look at Cali. "Go...Please..." She says. I go wide eyed. "I am not leaving you!" I say, refusing. She sighs and pushes me out the door. I go wide eyed and see Harry coming. I look at her again and softly kiss her cheek then run....

I hear a scream and look behind me and see Harry forcing Cali inside. I go wide eyed and look at Sydney and Zayn. They all go wide eyed too. 

*My P.O.V.*

"LET ME GO!" I scream and try to escape. "I WILL NEVER LET YOU GO!!" He yells at me then grabs me tight and using all his strength and bringing me inside and closing the front door. He then carries me downstairs. I look around and see we are in a basement. I then see a jail cell. I go wide eyed and try to escape. He hangs on tighter to me and puts the handcuffs on my wrists and ankle's. "LET ME GO!!!" I scream louder trying to break the handcuffs. He comes inches from my face and screams in my face. "I WILL NOT LET YOU GO. NEVER. I DON'T CARE IF I HAVE TO KEEP YOU HERE FOR 1000 YEARS JUST TO GET YOU TO STAY. YOU WILL NEVER LEAVE!" Then he leaves me and turns off the light and storms upstairs. I softly cry in the midnight darkness. All alone....


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