The Dark Spire

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A cold breeze crawled over Enphyra's bare arms and shoulders, the shudder of a chill startling her awake. She groaned softly, squinting as she tugged the blankets over her head to block out the cold and the sunlight. Nuzzling deeper into her sheets, she lazily tried to recall the memory of returning to her chamber. After a puzzling few seconds, the vague memory of Amoreus carrying her after she fell asleep against him in the gardens floated across her mind. She gave a contented sigh as she thought of the strict, yet sweet Common Elf. Her fiance.

The frigid early-spring breeze persisted even through her blankets. Shivering, she crawled out of her canopy bed to close the glass doors to the balcony. Standing before the doors in her nightgown, Enphyra hugged her arms as she gazed out across the hills beyond the castle town. Gentle plumes of fog were receding in the streaming sun, crawling and swirling between the bases of green hills.

Enphyra rubbed her hands against her upper arms as she shifted her weight to the outside edges of her bare feet and back, her gaze also shifting to the happenings of the early morning castle town. Merchants were setting up their shops in the streets, preparing for the bustle that was soon to arrive as the morning continued. Small groups of well rested and energetic children were already about, playing and romping with dogs through the streets.

"My lady?" a voice called softly from behind Enphyra. Still hugging her arms, she turned in acknowledgement to address the Common Elf maid.

"I've prepared your bath. Would you like me to set out clothes for the day?" the maid asked, her tone humble and her hands folded politely against her apron. Enphyra gave a tired smile.

"Thank you, Jeanette. I will choose my own clothing after the bath." The servant nodded, and left her to her room. Enphyra's bare feet made soft tapping sounds as she padded across the bedroom to her personal bathhouse. A large tub of steaming hot water was prepared, as the maidservant had said. Her skin tingled at the sight of the steam, the smell of the soaps, and the white bubbles that adorned the surface. She shrugged out of her nightgown before testing the water gingerly with a toe. Satisfied, she sunk into the scalding, bubbly water with a sigh of pleasure. After washing, she lingered in the bath until the water grew cold.

Wrapped in a robe, Enphyra stood analyzing herself in the full-length mirror of the bathhouse. Her own emerald eyes gazed back at her, bright and alert. Her skin was slightly flushed, but still almost the color of ivory. Drying into soft waves, her long white hair cascaded over her shoulders. Her pale complexion and platinum-colored hair were the most obvious indication of her race, the next being her ears. All Common Elves had pointed, elongated ears, the tips stretching not-quite beyond their heads. Lae Elf ears were only pointed just at the tip.

After towl-drying her hair, she dressed herself in a formal gown in preparation for a council with the king's court. They were to discuss the primary reason she had been summoned back to Lae'yera: to give her the last preparations before her first mission. The wedding between herself and Amoreus, High Captain of the Lae'yeran throne, being the other. Arranged, of course. Both were politically raised, and had dutifully accepted one another from an early age.

The high-ceilinged halls were illuminated with streaming sunlight as Enphyra made her way to the king's council. The long dining table was adorned with fresh fruit, and lived with the heads of court from near and far. Most were older, and primarily elves. The king sat at the council's head.

Enphyra took her seat near the king, across from Amoreus, who greeted her with a nod, and his tight political smile. It dissolved into a sincere one as she leaned across the table to converse.

"How I ended up in my room last night is a mystery to me," Enphyra said in a hushed voice. The corner of his mouth twitched up as Amoreus rested his chin in his palm.

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