As Poppy kissed me, a series of strange thoughts drifted through my skull.
For example:
A) Man, this bitch can kiss.
B) But... where did she learn to kiss like this?
C) I'm not jealous. I'm casually invested in our friendship.
D) I'm like My Little Pony with our friendship. It's fucking magic.
E) Shit. Did Mom leave the stove on this morning?
F) I hope the house didn't explode.
G) Oh yeah, I'm kissing someone. Or she's kissing me. Whatever.
H) This is nice.We broke apart, hastily wiping our lips and looking anywhere but at each other. Didn't want to make it any more awkward.
I kind of wished I had thought through what I was going to say before I actually said it.
"Are you on your period?"
She looked at me in revulsion for a few moments before stomping away and leaving me alone in the hallway. I quickly tried to catch up again.
Absentmindedly tugging at my blonde curls, I called her name softly, while following closely behind her.
"Are we still meeting for home ec tomorrow? I'm sorry about what I said, um, I didn't mean it in that way - like, it wasn't bad. You know? Not a great kiss-" That was a lie. It was a pretty fabulous kiss. But she didn't need to know that shit. "-I mean it was okay."
Poppy walked faster.
"I'm just gonna shut up now, and see you tomorrow. Okay?" She was pretty much sprinting in that moment. So I stopped my speed-walk and yelled after her. "Okay!"
"Man," I muttered to myself. "I really need to work my charm. And my spaghetti skills."
Too Gay For You
Roman pour AdolescentsJulia (@rigor_samsa) and Poppy (@afterthinking) can't cook for shit. So obviously, they must put in the extra time and end the year with an A plus.