Who are you ?

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Anna's Pov
I tried to open my eyes , but I couldn't . My head was pounding and my legs felt heavy . It was as if my body was refusing to awaken and move about . It was hurting even to think about anything.
"Did she wake up ? " asked a gruff voice
I stirred around and opened an eye , it took me a while before I got used to the light striking right into my eye.
Once I could see clearly , I saw a thin lady , who had a sweet smile on , and next to her I saw ... him ..

"Who are you ?" I asked . I felt my voice cracking but I wasn't going to show I was scared . The guy came towards me but I shifted . "No ! Stay awake from me . What do you want ?"
He didn't listen and continued to walk towards me .. " Who.Are.You ? " I asked once again through gritted teeth .
"Alpha Aiden , I'll just leave . If you need anything I'll be outside , just about ."
The guy , who's name is actually Aiden nodded and the lady left smiling before she exited .

"What do you want ? Money ? Well my parents don't love me so much so you pretty much got the wrong girl to kidnap .. so if you don't mind , I'll just excuse myself " I said to Aiden as I hopped down the bed which was clearly a mistake . My head ached and my body refused to hold my weight and I stumbled backwards before I felt a pair of large muscular hands help me stand straight . He chucked .
Like what is wrong with him!? I thought mentally .
"Get some rest and I shall explain everything to you . "  He didn't give me a chance to speak and right after he walked to the door and opened it , " And no " he laughed " I do not want money "  and he exited while laughing .

I sat on the bed thinking , what do these people want from me ... who are they ... I tried to keep my eyes open but soon I felt my lids flutter and I fell into a deep slumber .

Aiden's Pov
I saw her sitting down and ordering a meal , and I knew that she knows that I was staring at her . Lastly she looked up and I saw her eyes , they weren't the usual colour I thought my mate would be .. they were a very light hazel brown .. it looked amazing . For the past 3 years I've been looking for my mate and I found her .. Everything about her looked amazing . She smelt of honey , sweet and she looked adorable .

I watched as she finished pay the bill and picked up all her shopping bags , I chuckled as I saw how she struggled to carry them all .
I walked out and waited at the side for her to come past , she didn't notice me standing there and bumped right into me , and she stood there for a good 30 seconds before blinking rapidly and and apologized before she turned to walk around me .

I couldn't let my mate leave , I had to do something . I didn't think and I pulled her and she hit her head on the wall . I was shocked .... I hurt my mate ! I didn't know what to do so I just carried her and took her and her things to my car .
I think I just kidnapped my mate !

As soon as I reached I called the pack doctor and laid her down as she was getting checked up . It was till around 2 hours that passed and she didn't wake up . I went to check on her just when I saw her stir in bed . I couldn't see my mate like that .
"Did she wake up up ?" I asked the pack doctor who's name was Lea .
"Who are you ? I heard her tremble while speaking as if she was scared .

"Of course she is scared you idiot , you kidnapped her !"  My wolf Zoltan told me with rolling eyes . "Oh shh you , I know " I growled back at him .

I was going towards her to comfort her and to show her I'm no threat , but she backed away and she screamed " No ! Stay awake from me . What do you want ?"
I didn't listen , I'm an alpha and no one tells me what to do . I walked towards her but she asked me again " What.Do.You.Want ? " through gritted teeth .
Just then Lea spoke , " Alpha Aiden , I'll just leave . If you need anything I'll be outside , just about ." I nodded and she excused herself. .

"What do you want ? Money ? Well my parents don't love me so much so you pretty much got the wrong girl to kidnap .. so if you don't mind , I'll just excuse myself " she said with utmost confidence, and I just chuckled . Why would she even think that ? It's amusing . I thought to myself . She woke up to leave but stumbled and I did what my instinct told me to do and grabbed her to steady her . She tensed at first but then she sat back down .

"Get some rest and I shall explain everything to you . "  I saw she was about to speak so I turned as I did not want an argument, " And no " I  laughed " I do not want money "  and with that I left the room laughing at her reaction .


Keeping it going strong .
I hope u guys will like , comment and share .
Love youu .

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