Half what ?

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Aiden's POV

I walked into the living room to tell my mate that I have to mark her , I wouldn't want anyone looking at her .
But she wasn't there !

Ohh no no no ! I forgot to call Felicia (beta's mate) , shit !  I knew it ! I must have scared her and she ran off .

I sniffed around and smelled , I could smell her . She was nearby . I followed the smell and there , she stood standing by the balcony door . She was looking at the kids playing outside so peacefully and she didn't even realize how beautiful she looks when she is happy . I wish I always can make her happy .

She turned around started "Oh ! You scared me"
"My bad" I chucked and she narrowed her eyes at me , "Want to go outside and see the training area?" I asked , seeing she felt like she was caged inside this house .

"Really ? , I can go out of the house?" She asked beaming with happiness

"Yes baby , that's what I just asked" I chuckled when I she glared at me when I said baby .

She walked straight out of door , but not before sending me a genuine smile . We walked down the forest , and she watched the pack greet her with smiles and when a baby called her Luna , she tensed but soon started to play with her . Finally we reached and she stood in the front standing in awe .

"Close you mouth , you might catch flee's" I smirked at her .

She closed her mouth and looked down for a second , embarrassed before she looked up again .
"Woah ! This place is amazing"

"This is where we train , to keep all the wolves fit and healthy if we have to get any attacks from rogues or other packs"

"You fight ?" She asked shocked

"We do .." I stiffened and snakes my hand around her waist and pulled her back to my chest . Surprised by my action , Anna gasped out loud .

"What is wrong with you ?" She asked me trying to wiggle out of the grip .

I didn't answer her , I was to busy shooting daggers to one of the male wolfs from my pack that was eyeing my mate .

"Aiden , let go of me" she pleaded .

"Mine." I growled in her ear before I let go.

"Good morning Alpha Aiden , Luna" he bowed his head slightly showing respect, my beta said.

"Morning Edward" I nod at him

Anna was to busy looking at the training area that she didn't realize , Edward was here .

"Baby , someone's here to meet you" I whispered softly to her.

She whipped around and started smiling , "oh sorry , I spaced out . Anna , nice to meet you ..."

"Edward, you may call me Edward , Luna" my beta said with a smile.

He turned his attention to me , "Alpha , we need to conduct a meeting, firstly about the rouges and secondly , everyone is dying to meet our Luna" he beamed .

"Yes yes , I will do it , during the ceremony ."
I said back knowing she isn't ready to get introduced now .


After we came back from the training center , we ate some food that Felicia had cooked, she got introduced to a lot other members of the pack . Everyone loves her already but there is one thing I can't wrap my head around ..

The fact that I can smell her wolf in her . But that's impossible, she said she was human..

I decided that I will speak to the pack doctor about this .

It was around noon and I sent Anna with Felicia to tour the house . During the free time , I decided I will meet Lea.

"Lea" I wait for her to greet .

"Alpha . How may I help you ? Is the Luna okay ?" She asked frantically.

"Yes she is fine - I need to find out something actually"

She nodded for me to continue .

"When I first saw her , I smelt her wolf , she wasn't human ... and then when I spoke to her she said she was human and didn't know anything about wolve life ."

"Hmm, that's rare" she thought for a minute before her face lit up like a bulb .
"Oh maybe it's because she is half human - half werewolf."

"What ?! My mate ?? That's rare . You don't find them anywhere" I beamed with joy .

My mate , she is rare . I love her and now I love her even more .

"Yes Alpha , she isn't only our future Luna , she is one of a kind" she told me .

"She was always one of a kind!" I growled .

I felt her wolf whimper a bit and I backed away , thanked her and left .

I've got a story to tell .. I thought to myself as I walked away .

Hey guys ! Omg 108 reads ❤️❤️
I am so happy , so thank you all for keeping with me . Sorry for the late update , I had school work , tests and assignments .
Hope to update soon .

Love youu guys 😁❤️

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