Black eye?

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Anna's Pov

I felt my body being lose at first before I regain my consciousness . There was a sharp pain on my neck , like a needle being pushed into my skin and back out . It was throbbing . I woke up and held my head , it felt as if it was going to fall off . I screamed but I couldn't hear anyone .

Then I heard a voice ...

"Heyy shh, you making so much of noise , now did u see our mate ?! He is so freaking cute"

It sounded like a teenage girl with a high pitched voice screaming over a guy , gahh.

"Who are you ?" I looked around but couldn't find anyone.

"Oh silly me , my name is Isabelle , and I'm your wolf" the voice responded .

"My flipping what?" I gasped.

"Your wolf , I've been opened because our mate marked us . Aren't you just so happy?" She purred and did a happy dance inside .

Yes ! Why didn't I think of it . I read the book . I was happy but freaking shitting bricks at the same time . I'm a wolf now ?

"Yupp, you are a wolf" she said with a duh tone.

"Okay ! Cut it own ! Can I atleast have my thoughts private and to my self ." I demanded .

"You do know I'm in you right" she rolled her eyes at me .

Yes yes , I can even feel what she is doing .

"So do you want to get changed and go for a run and let me be free or do you want to sit like a loner and sulk all day ?"

"I don't know .. where is Aiden ?" I asked .

I got of the bed and walked to the mirror. I look like a zombie . My hair looks like I've been in a fight with a skunk , my eyes look like they have been dying to open up and have huge onion rings around them . And most of all , there is a purple blue mark that is situated on my neck !!! It looked like another black eye stuck to my neck !

"Aiden!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed .

I heard the door kicked down and he came and stood next to me panicking but not breathing heavy . Oh wait , it's because he is a werewolf .

"What happened baby?" He asked with concern .

"What happened ? This happened!" I pointed to my new mark .

He smirked, "looks quite nice if you ask me"

"No ! It looked like I have a black eye on my frikken neck" I shouted angrily .

He growled loudly and I went back on instinct . He grabbed my waist and pushed me against the counter . His eyes were staring right at me , and it was turning black .

"You dare say my mark does not look good on you and I swear on the moon , you will regret every word you said !" He growled .

I didn't even realize a tear slipped and rolled down my cheek and soon I saw his eyes soften and come back to his light sky blue eyes .

"Uh.. no baby" he just turned and walked to the door .

"That mark is something you should be proud off and not something you are ashamed of and try to cover up. It's my symbol" he said and walked out .

I felt bad , but I couldn't stop crying .
I got into the shower and washed up .

20 minutes later

I came out of the shower with a towel when I saw clothes lying on the bed . I slipped on the black ripped jeans and white tank top . I paired it with the black converse and and put on the jersey but rolled the sleeves half way .
I brushed my hair and finally found a hair tie and put it into a high pony .

I walked out and went to the garden .

"Isabelle?" I thought

"I'm here , can we go out for a run now ?"

"How do I ?" I asked

"Just think about your wolf . Think about it"

I did and I heard a thump , when I opened my eyes , I saw paws. I was on all fours . I ran , I ran and ran and ran . It was the best thing ever . I ran until I saw a lake , and stopped right at it . I drank some and then I stared at the reflection on this pure white wolf with a black streak across my lower back . Normally my eyes were hazel brown but now , it was icy blue with a hint of diver sparkle . I had a small nuzzle and my fur was thick and icy white. It was fluffy . To think about it , compared to Aiden's wolf , I wasn't so small. Thinking about Aiden , I should properly get back .

I turned and started walking back , but I heard leaves crackling sounds and when I turned I saw another wolf . It was a big brown wolf . It's canines were out and it was growling at me . I backed away slowly but all it did was come towards me .

It leaped but I dodged . I thought this wolf was going to be friendly but it kept coming for me .

How do I call for Aiden I thought , but soon was cut out from my thoughts when I felt a stinging sensation on my back . I howled in pain . That wolf scratched me and I was not going to let it get away with it .

I growled and leaped over . I had no idea what got into me and soon I was standing in a puddle of blood with a whimpering wolf . I heard a growl and I saw a huge black wolf . It was Aiden .

He went behind a tree and came out but this time he was in shorts . He came towards me and told me to change .

I didn't know how to .

"I am telling you to change" he demanded .

I growled at him telling me what to do . I didn't know how to .

He chucked , "sorry, I forgot you new at this . Just think about you in human form , think about your toes and feet"

I did exactly what he did and there I was . Human .. Naked human .

I screamed and ran behind a tree .

"Why am I naked ?" I asked angry at the fact that I stood naked in front of him .

"Shh , here , I'll get someone to get some clothes for you , but tell me ... how did u manage to kill that wolf ?" He asked , and from his tone ... it seemed clear that he was amused by this .

"I ... ki..killed a .. wolf ?"
I was a murderer ! How could I ...

And then I couldn't see anything or hear anyone ....

Hey guys . I'm so sorry that you guys had to wait so long to get such a short chapter but this was one quite longer than usual and I hope I made it up .

I just had been so busy and had so much of projects and assignments and I was busy with wedding preparations.

Thank you so much for bearing with me ❤️.

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Love A ❤️

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