Lunch and shopping right ??

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"Aiden ! Where are you ?!" I screamed and rushed out .

"Tyler !!! Where is Aiden ?!!"

I came out the front and I saw a huge pack of wolves fighting against each other , I saw Aiden's wolf and his scent called me .

I couldn't stand there and watch .
I changed into my wolf and attacked the other wolves . Blood was everywhere . Another wolf was about to attack Aiden's wolf from the back and I managed to leap and knock that wolf out . I made contact with Aiden and he growls at me .

Growling at me ? I just saved his sorry ass !

I growled back and helped the others in the pack . I felt tired , I was drained. I've never fought before and the fact that I murdered another wolf flashed before my eyes and that's when I felt a sting to my hind leg . I was bitten . I couldn't stand and everything around me went black .


"Anna..." I heard a blurred voice , my vision was faded .

"Anna , wake up love" I heard a plea .

Aiden ! It was him . What does he want now ? He growled at me then . Wait , this isn't my room.
I fluttered my eyelids and I realized I was in the pack doctors room , I looked at my leg and I was shocked !

I gasped , it was perfectly fine . No marks no scratches and I could even move it .

"Love , are you okay ?"  Aiden asked again .

"Mhmm" was all I said to him and looked away .

"Baby , look at me , I'm sorry I was just angry" he said .

I looked at him and I saw his eyes tear up . It softened my heart and I turned towards him and cupped his cheek .

"It's okay , what happened?" I asked concern .

"Don't worry , just get some rest okay, I'll tell you later" he said and turns to walk out .

"Aiden , no , tell me. I deserve to know" I say angrily .

He just walked out ! Like that , without even looking back . What is wrong with him . Honestly the guy had some serious mood swings .

"Good day Luna , I believe you are tired , drained and hungry which is why I had some pasta prepared for you , I hope you enjoy it , and feel free to ask for anything" A pack member told me sweetly .

" Uhm thank you so much . What is your name? " I asked the girl .

"Synthia" she replied with a smile .

"Synthia then , would you mind staying with me for company , I hate being alone ." I asked innocently .

"Why ofcourse , why wouldn't I Luna ? " She chuckled nervously .

"Call me Anna , I hate having to be called Luna all the time " I complained .

"If Alpha Aiden has to hear me , he will probably kick me out of the pack.."

" Oh don't worry about him , I will deal with him" I joked .

Well of course I didn't ask her to stay to watch me eat , I had a motive . Although she doesn't seem so bad to go shopping with or just chilling around but if Aiden wont tell me what happened or why those wolves were here then I will have to find out my way . I do feel bad that I am kind of using Synthia but like its not like I have a choice . Urgh this all is so confusing , I am sure that a day out shopping and lunch with her can make up for this right ??

"So uh Synthia , I haven't got the chance to try and recall what happened last night . Could you tell me what happened and why those wolves were in tearing our wolves apart ? "

"I am sorry Luna , as much as I offered to help you , I was told not to speak about yesterday's incident ." she said softly .

"What?" I frowned . "You have to tell me what it is ."

"I am sorry , I have to leave ." She stood up .

I have to make her stay , and there is only one way to do so and I would regret it .

"Synthia!" I said confidently .

"Yes Luna " she flinched .

"I am your Luna and I believe you have to obey me no matter what , so I demand you tell me what really happened yesterday or I will have to punish you or even kill you for such disrespect !

She was shaking , she looked scared and I wasn't really enjoying doing this .

"I am sorry Luna , but Alpha Aiden has strictly forbidden us to do so "

" And I am telling you that the Alpha and the Luna have the same authority . So it is up to you to decides what "

I was cut of by the door opening and entered my handsome hunk of a mate . Wait ! No ! I am not on good terms with him .

"Alpha" Synthia bowed and left ,

"UGH!" I groaned in frustration .

Aiden looked at me with a glimpse of amusement in his eyes .

"Would you quit staring and tell me what the hell is really going on ?!" I asked impatiently .

"Why do you keep worrying ? Just breath hunny , nothing is going on and no one is going to take you away from me ." He said in a rush .

"What ?? Who said anything about me leaving you ? " I asked suspiciously .

"What ? I didn't say that forget it . Did you eat ?" He asked .

Something is definitely wrong . This dumb idiot had to come now . I would have never left him inside the room if I knew he wasn't going to be of any help .

" I am going to shower , I feel icky in these clothes ." I said as I rose from the bed .

"Hmm okay , I'll get one of the pack members to drop off some clothing for you ."

"Actually I want to go back to my room . I do not want to stay here , when I wake up I see the doctors face , I feel as if I am in the hospital and I hate it ." I stated .

"No" He said sternly .

"NO? What the hell is that supposed to mean ? I am moving and that's final." I said feeling heat all around me .

"Anna , do not be stubborn , please. You need to stay here so you can have proper medical care ."

"I can have the same thing in my room as well . How that make sense to you ."

I know I am at the edge of a mental breakdown , and I am frustrated . First he wont tell me what happened , now I am not allowed to move to my bedroom ?

"Stop behaving like a child Anna . I don't know why I even took you ." He said and then stopped adter realising what he had said .

I started crying , obviously . What else was I supposed to do ? I thought that finally I was starting to love him .

"Oh baby , I didn't mean that" He tried to explain .

"That's exactly what you meant , and yes why did you take me . My life would have been so much better without you ! Just go away !!!" I sobbed .

"I love you baby" He said before he walked out .



Thank you guys for still having faith and for all the messages , it really means a lot to me !

I have decided to continue the story , and I am most happy that at first when I decided that I was not going to continue the book I had full support , there were no hate and that was amazing . Thank you all so much !!!

Love ~ A

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