One - Mystery Boy and Blondie

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A/N Please know I wrote this all on my phone so please note there might be some spelling and grammar mistakes. ALSO THIS IS MY FIRST BOOK BE GENTLE
Chapter One - Mystery Boy and Blondie
Mykas POV
I have made a huge mistake.

Looking onto the sea of people before me, I struggle to understand why anyone enjoys partying. Maybe it's just because I'm sober right now, but this is a frat party and I don't trust the people here.

I suddenly feel the unwelcome touch of a strangers hands around my waist. Great, just what I've needed. Another guy thinking I'm drunk, and that they can take advantage of me.

As quickly as those hands appeared on my waist, I shove them off. I turn around to see a muscular blonde dude. There's nothing distinctly unattractive about him, but he has a general greasy appearance and the way we were introduced wasn't helping him either. I don't have time to deal with this bullshit. I start to walk away, but the guy doesn't take the hint and grabs my wrist.

"Woah chill babe, I just wanna have fun." He's so drunk I can barely understand his slurred words. "Here drink this, god knows you could use it." He tries to hand me the red solo cup.

How stupid does he think I am? Anyone who has seen a movie, or read a book knows bad things are inside the red solo cup. I smile and take it, only so I can dump it on the floor, and watch his face fall because his 'master' plan fail before his eyes. Like I said, no time for Bullshit.

I muster the fakest, brightest smile I can. "You want fun so much, you can have it with your right hand. I think we both know you have plenty of practice." He's lucky he's not like the other four who tried to 'get' with me. One of them thought I was wasted and tried to bring me to their room to do god knows what. Sufficient to say that he won't be doing anything with any girl anytime soon... maybe ever.

"Come on babe, you're so uptight." He smirks, but not in a hot way. He looks more constipated then anything else. It takes all my self control to not burst out laughing. "But don't worry, I know a few ways to loosen up. I've decided to forgive you for your bitchy behavior so far. I know you're just playing hard to get for attention." He winks at me. Or at least I think he does? It looks like his face is having a seizure, but only half his face I guess.

Anyway, now I'm pissed. And you don't want to see me pissed. Why does he believe, and who implanted the idea that he is he god himself?

But before I could give him a peace of my mind, a deep voice cuts me off.

"I think she's made it plenty clear that she wants nothing to do with you. Why don't you take the hint buddy?" This mystery mans voice is so calm and smooth, but you'd have to be a fool to think he mean 'buddy' in a friendly way. Because under that calmness, you could hear the anger and menace in his voice. I could tell he was not one to be fucked with.

I look up, genuinely surprised by what I saw. I thought, at best, it would be some boy next door type of guy. A Prince Charming here to save the day, but ultimately not my type. Instead I see a tall, muscular, but not beefy, extremely attractive man, who is towering over little blondie over there, with a not-so-friendly smile. He had dark, almost black hair that was slightly curly, and looked like it might be fluffy. In fact most of his features were dark. Grey eyes, black clothing, and a overall rugged appearance. Everything about this boy screamed dangerous and powerful, and I was loving it. I could tell by the way he stood and talked he was sober too. Although blondie was muscular, he'd probably loose in a fight against mystery boy in four seconds, and be sobbing like a little bitch at the end.

"I'll give you 5, wait no actually, 3 seconds to get away for her." Anyone who was sane would do it in two. Then I forgot who we were talking about again. I don't even feel bad for blondie at this point, it seems more like natural selection then anything else.

He does the constipated smirk again. "I don't think I want to. Besides, we both know she's just playing hard to get. She just wants the attention." If anything he steps closer, I can smell the stench of alcohol, and I'm 69% sure this guys has never taken a shower before. Before he gets any closer I stop on his foot. Hard.

"Do that again and I'll do the same, only higher."
I mutter darkly to him. The phrase 'pissed off' cannot even describe what I'm feeling right now. I'm seeing red, literally. But unluckily for him, I can still see him just fine, and he isn't getting away that easy.

But apparently I'm not fast enough because just as I take a step forward, I see blondie being punched square in the jaw by mystery boy. They soon get into a full on fight, but it's extremely clear that blondie doesn't stand a chance.

Now I know violence is not the answer and stuff, but it absolutely is. Not to mention the view of mystery boy kicking that boys ass, for me, makes my stomach churn in delightful ways. The sight of his muscles flexing every time he goes in for a punch is just delicious. It makes me wonder what els- NO GURL GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER. I swear I've know this boy for, wait I don't even know this boy. Well, I have seen this boy for not even 10 minuets and he's already reaping havoc on my brain. But I can't help it, there's just something about him. It's not even just his looks, as magnificent as they are. Just the way his voice sends shivers down my spine, or how anything he does leaves me wanting more.

Eventually, mystery boy gets off of him. I look down and see blondie unconscious. Whatever it's probably for the best anyway.

I look up to see mystery boy already staring directly at me.

Then he gives me a smile, an actual fucking smile. I mean it's small, but it's still there! I can't help but smile back, because he seems like the type of guy who doesn't smile much, so I should treasure this moment.

"So mystery boy huh?" He stuffs his hands in the pockets of his jeans, "Thats what you're calling me?

"Well what do you want me to call yo- WAIT! how do you know about that nickname?" I'm pretty sure my face is a nice shade of fire truck red right now.

He takes a step closer, "One, people call me Coltan. Two, you move your lips when deep in thought. Don't worry though, it's cute."  And of course he finishes that of with a wink.

Wait... is he THAT Coltan? Since the first day I got here almost all I've heard about is rumors about this hot guy name Coltan, and how he doesn't spare anyone a second glance.

It can't be him, like seriously all I hear about these days is how this Coltan guy won't even bat an eye at them. In fact, some of the girls have actually gone so far as to make it a competition to see who will grab his attention first.

They never fail to surprise me with what they're willing to do to get his attention. It's like a right of passage for fake blonde, fake tan bimbos to basically give Coltan a strip tease in order to get his attention. Never seems to work though, there's actually a rumor that he's asexual because, let me tell you, the gay men have tried too. Anyone and everyone wants him, but he seems to be having none of it.

Wait I just totally spaced out in front of who may be THE Coltan Hayes, and now he's... not here. Great, I seem to be the only person who has been given a shoot at having a conversation with him, and I was so boring he just left. My thoughts are interrupted by the sounds of groans from, you guessed it, blondie. So, being the kind person I am I gave him a swift kick to the head to keep him in lala land a bit longer.

I know it sounds like I lost my shot with Coltan Hayes, but something tells me that the fun has just begun.
So that was the first chapter of my first book.

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Even if you didn't, thank you for reading the first chapter. I'll have the next one up in a few days if there's anyone that wants it.

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