Chapter 5: Midnight Kisses and fights

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''Mike...Mike.... Hello'' the Byers boy knock on the window
The boy woke up really fast and said ''Yes, Will? Is that you?''
''Yes, it's me, can you open the window? It's really cold outside''
''What?'' Mike got off bed and open the window as fast as he could while he was helping his friend get inside his room ''What are you doing here? Sh*t you are freezing, take this'' he grabbed his famous Spidey Blanket and Will smiled at that gesture ''What Happened to your face? And don't tell me that you fell''
''Damn he knows me to well'' Will though
''Who did this to you?''
''It.... It was Jack''
''Jack Stewart?'' his friend nod ''I'm going to kick his butt''
''No, please don't, they were just being stupid, saying stupid things''
''What did they say?''
''Nothing important, look I came here because I had nightmare''
''What was it about?''
And so, Will told him everything, he tried his best not to cry but he fail, the boy started crying in front of his best friend.
''Mike...I'm so scare, I'm tired of these nightmares, I mean first it was the Upside Down and now it's the kids bullying me, why does everything have to hunt me even in my dreams?'' he started crying even more he put down his head, but Mike grabbed and lifted it and now they were looking at each other, another tear fall from Will's check but his best friend clean it with his thumb.
''Will don't worry I'm going to be here with you, remember? Crazy together''
''Yeah...Yeah crazy together'' Will smiled and out of nowhere Mike was leaning closer to him, he was going to kiss him, to kiss him. When their lips touch for the first time, the smaller boy felt so happy and so safe, Mike was his safe place and that little but special kiss meant so much to him.
''Ammm...let's.... let's go to sleep'' said Mike acting like nothing happened and Will was actually ok with that, cuz he was so nervous (and happy) to talk about it right now.
And so, the two boys went back to bed together cuddling with the Spider-Man blanket. They were both on their happy place.
''Will? Will are you there?'' Jonathan's voice was heard from Mike's walkie-talkie. The two boys woke up and when they saw each other they smiled, but when the bigger boy saw the clock he got up really fast.
''Oh Sh*t, F*ck, Oh F*ck''
''What's wrong?''
''We fall asleep''
''Oh No!'' It was 7:20 am
''Hey Will?'' It was Jonathan again
''Yes it's me'' said the smaller boy grabbing the walkie-talkie
''I'm glad you're fine, why did you leave the house? You know what? Never mind I'm coming to pick you up''
''Wait Jonathan!''
''When you come, can you please pick me up outside Mike's room window?''
''Cuz the Wheelers don't know I'm here, It's going to be so embarrassing and really creepy if they found out I was here''
''Ok just.... stay there''
''Hello? Mike?'' someone knocked the door
''It's my mom.... amm...quick hide'' he told his friend and he open the door really slowly and just a little bit, so his mom won't come in ''Hey mom, what's up?''
''Is everything alright honey? I heard you were screaming?''
''Yeah mom I'm fine''
''Ok, well go get ready or you're going to be late for school''
''Yeah, alright, bye mom'' he closed the door and when he turned around he looked at a bump on his bed, his face was confused now.
''Is she gone?'' the bump said
''Yeah.... are you gone?''
Will was hiding underneath the blanket, he removed the pillow of his body and said ''I'm back''
''Did you hide underneath the blankets?''
''Yes...I guess''
''That's the worst place to hide'' they started laughing
When Will was on Jonathan's car he was looking at the window thinking random things (or about Mike) when his brother's voice interrupted him.
''Look I'm not going to ask you what you were doing in the Wheeler's house cuz my mom is going to do it, but I do want to ask you something, It's...... a little bit personal so it's ok if you don't want to answer it, and it's ok if you feel uncomfortable and whatever your answer is, I'm not going to judge or hate you, I'm your brother and I love you no matter what.''
''Ok you're scaring me, what's your question?''
''Do you like Mike¬?''
That took him by surprise, I mean he knew one day he must talk about his family about him being gay but he didn't know it was going to be right now ''I.... Yes.... I do I mean he is my best friend'' he laughed nervously
''Yeah but I you like him, like him? Not just as a friend?''
''I.... I.... Agh who am I kidding? Ye...yes, I do'' he sights ''Do you really don't mind?''
''Of course not, why would you think that?''
''Thanks, that really means a lot''
''What is it that the Wheelers kids have that make us Byers boys go crazy?'' he said while parking the car outside his house ''No go inside lover boy''
''Jonathan stop it!'' said getting out the car smiling
''Oh, my baby!'' the moment the boy got inside the house his mom hugged him so tight ''Why did you go? Never leave like that again, you got me so worry, I though you went back to the....''
''Mom, I'm fine''
''Why did you left?'' asked her mom while she stopped the hug.
''I'm so sorry, I was so scare and I didn't knew what to do''
''You know what you should have done? Go with me or Jonathan, not ran away''
''I know what I did was stupid, but I ran away with Mike and he is my best friend and....''
Her mom smiled ''Well ok, just don't do it again, alright?''
''But that won't stop you for being ground it''
''Ugh wasn't my nightmare punishment enough?''
''Yeah about that, what was your nightmare about? Was it about the Upside Down?''
''No.... well not just about that'' her mom looked at him in the eyes and knew he was telling the truth
''Was it about those kids bullying you the other day?''
'''' this time she knew he was lying
''It was about them! You said it was no big deal but it sure it was''
''It wasn't a big deal, please don't call the principal''
''Alright, no go get ready for school or you're going to be late even more that you already are''
''Ok mom'' this time she didn't argue with her son cuz she already called the principal

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