Chapter 6: Crazy thogheter

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A few hours ago Mike was outside the principal´s office with a bleeding nose and a purple eye, he was waiting for the principal to call him while he was thinking about Will and what happened last night, I mean he just kissed Will, he is the one who did it, he never think about his feelings for Will but it´s because he never knew he had them, I mean of course Will is his best friend, that´s why he act different with him, but was he treating him like more than just a friend. He started thinking on Eleven, I mean technically he just cheat on her, after she is her…. girlfriend, right? Well maybe they are not, he never asked her to be her girlfriend and she never asked him to be his boyfriend, but everyone assume they were. But all this time away from her he got even closer to Will and realize that maybe his crush for Eleven was over and his have some feelings for his best friend.
When the rest of the party heard his friend was on trouble they went over to see what´s going on.
‘‘Mike? Oh, sh*t! What happened to you?’’ said Dustin when he saw his friend.
‘‘Well I have a bleeding nose….’’
‘‘Ha just like El’’ Dustin interrupted him
‘‘As I was I was saying I have a bleeding nose, a purple eye and I´m outside the principal´s office what do you think happened?’’
‘‘I assume you got into a fight’’ said Max in a sarcastic tone
‘‘Yes, I did’’
‘‘With whom?’’ when Lucas asked that question Jack was getting outside the office
‘‘Jack’’ Will whisper with a shock face
‘‘You got into a fight with Jack Stewart? Why?’’ asked Lucas
‘‘Because he….’’ Mike was about to tell them everything but when he looked at Will he mouth ‘‘Please no’’ to him so he change his mind ‘‘Because…. He is such a jerk and I was in a really bad mood, so I punched him’’
‘‘Mike Wheeler come inside please’’ said the principal
‘‘See you guys’’
‘‘See you’’
A few minutes later when Mike got out the office his best friend was outside waiting for him.
‘‘Will, what are you doing here?’’
‘‘How did it go?’’
‘‘It was…fine’’
‘‘Why did you do it? Why did you fight Jack for me?’’
‘‘I didn´t do it for you, I did it for me’’
‘‘Ok so why did you did it?’’
‘‘He made me so mad, he beat up my best friend’’ he smiled
‘‘But you didn´t have to fought with him’’
‘‘Yes, I did and I´m glad I did it, they gave him a week suspension’’
‘‘A week? Really?’’
‘‘Yes, apparently someone already told the principal he beat you up’’
‘‘Really? Ugh it most be my mom, I told him not too’’
‘‘Well I´m glad she did’’
‘‘How about you? Did you get any suspension?’’
‘‘I only get two days?’’
‘‘Why? you were only defending me’’
‘‘That´s why I get two days, I mean I punch him first’’ they laughed
‘‘Thank you so much Mike’’
‘‘Hey don´t worry, remember? I´m not leaving you’’ said while giving his friend a hug
And so, the day went on, Will´s nightmares began to be least frequent, now every time he has one he just pretends Mike was there with him and went back to sleep. The party had a couple of sleepovers, only this time Mike and Will didn´t cuddle but they did sleep pretty close to each other and pretty happy. One day Will even had the courage to kiss Mike, it was a kiss on the cheek but still the boy felt pretty brave. Yep things were alright for the Byers boy and his best friend, cuz they were friends, right?
Days later Nancy and Jonathan drove the party to Eleven and Hopper´s house, they were going to give her another lesson of Dungeons & Dragons and watch Ghostbusters cuz she hasn’t seen it and that is just not right. Everything was alright, they were having so much fun, even Will, until he saw…. he saw them. He saw Mike and Eleven talking, they were pretty close and looked really into the conversation, they looked like a couple again. I mean there about…’’ Oh no, I got to get out of here’’ The boy though to his self and went over to Jonathan.
‘‘Hey Jonathan’’
‘‘Hey Wil, what´s up?’’
‘‘Can we go? I´m not feeling really well’’
‘‘What happened? Is it about the…?’’
‘‘No Jonathan is not about that, it must be something I ate’’ lied Will
‘‘Ok am……’’ he turned over to Nancy ‘‘Hey can you drive them to their homes, Will is not feeling really well so I´m taking him home’’
‘‘Oh yeah, no problem’’
When Jonathan and Will left the house, Mike immediately interrupted his conversation with Eleven to talk to her sister.
‘‘Hey Nancy, what´s wrong? Why did they leave?’’
‘‘Oh, Will wasn´t feeling well’’
‘‘What?’’ the boy immediate went outside to catch his friend but him and his brother already left
A few minutes later when Nancy drove everyone to their house, Mike asked her if she could drop him in the Byers´s house, she didn´t argue with him cuz she want it to see if Will was alright (and it wouldn´t be bad thing if she saw his boyfriend too).
‘‘Hey Mrs.Byers is…...’’ started saying Nancy when Joyce opened the door, but Mike interrupted her.
‘‘Hey, can I go see Will?’’
‘‘Yeah, he is…...’’ but Mike was already in his way before Joyce could finish talking ‘‘…...inside’’

‘‘I´m coming’’ the little boy said when he heard a knock on his door, he was so surprised when he opened ‘‘Oh…. Hey Mike’’
‘‘Hey, I heard you weren´t feeling alright, What´s wrong? And don´t say it´s nothing or is something you ate cuz I know you too well’’
‘‘Damn he does know me to well’’ though Will ‘‘But…but it was for something I ate, I….’’
‘‘Is it because you saw me with Eleven?’’
‘‘What?’’ the boy was so in shock ‘‘Why would you think is for that?’’
‘‘It was because you saw me with El’’ said with a smile
‘‘No, it wasn´t really’’ lied Will
‘‘Will do you…. like me? But like me…. like me?’’
‘‘No, I…I…I Don´t know how to lie’’ sight Will
‘‘No, you don´t’’ said Mike with a bigger smile
‘‘Look Mike I´m sorry if you think I´m gross or hate me….’’
‘‘What? Why would you think that? Will I´m the one who kissed you, that means I…. like you too’’ smirked the boy
‘‘You do?’’ Mike nod ‘‘Wow that´s good’’ Will smiled but then his smile vanished ‘‘But wait isn´t Eleven your…. girlfriend?’’
‘‘My girlfriend? Yeah, everyone though she was…. but…turns out I just had a crush on her…. but I don´t anymore’’
‘‘But how? I mean you were acting like a couple’’
‘‘And we haven´t being acting like one in all this time, well except for maybe today, but I was just talking to her. I never make it official with her, I never asked her to be my girlfriend and she never asked me to be his boyfriend, but…. I do want to make it official with you?’’
‘‘Wh…. What?’’ asked Will confuse, happy and in complete shock.
‘‘Oh, c´mon don´t act so confuse, I mean I like you, you like me and we kinda have being acting like a couple recently’’
‘‘I guess’’ he put down his head
‘‘Will?’’ Mike grabbed his chin and lift his friend´s head up
‘‘Yes?’’ asked nervously
‘‘Do…you…want to….be my…. boyfriend?’’ asked Mike in the shiest way
‘‘Yes’’ said Will with a huge smile on his face
Mike touched slowly Will´s check and lean over to give him a soft kiss on the lips, when they stopped (cuz they were so happy they couldn’t stop smiling) Mike whisper ‘‘I told you I´m not leaving you’’
Will smiled, hugged his boyfriend tight and said ‘‘Crazy together am I right?’’
‘‘Yes, Crazy together’’

Thanks so so much for reading, I hope you like it :)
Let me know what you think ;)

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