Chapter 3: Love advice from Mama Steve

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I wanna dedicate this chapter to BichaelWheeler cuz you are such a nice friend and your stories are so good!! I know you don't read my fanfic and I'm ok with it but i still wanna dedicate this to you!! :)
Monday morning Will got inside the school looking for his friend, he was also late so he couldn't find them anywhere, but Dustin found him instead.
''Hey where were you?''
''Sorry I fall asleep''
''Hey, there you are'' said Lucas and the rest of the party join them ''Ok so Dungeons & Dragons at my house tonight, you guys in?''
''Yeah, said everyone besides Mike''
''I'm sorry I can't, my mom won't let me go anywhere unless I clean my room''
''Yeah, I'm sorry''
''Ok, but the rest of you are in, right?''
''Yeah, yeah'' said everyone, even know Mike wasn't coming Will still want it to hang out with his friend.
Classes were boring as usual, I mean nothing special happened, except for science, Will was Mike's partner and notice him acting a little weird, not bad weird, good weird, I mean the whole time they were making an experiment, he was being so protective over him, not in the way he used to treat him after he was back from the Upside Down, this time was different, like if he had a cr.... ''No, that's not right, there's no way Mike has a crush on me, right?'' thought the boy. When the class was over, Will started packing his things really fast, he had History class and the teacher gets mad if you are late, so he tried to get out as fast as he could, but when he was on his way out, Mike stopped him.
''Will wait! Can I ask you something?''
''Yeah, What's the problem?''
''How do you sleep?''
''What?'' Will was confused
''Yeah, how do you sleep this weekend? No more nightmares?''
''No, I slept all fine''
''Ok that's great, but remember if anything happened just tell me, ok?''
And after that Will left with a big smile on his face but not bigger than the one Mike had.
At lunch time the Party sat at their usual table and started talking but Will wasn't paying attention, the thing that happened with Mike, really confused him, it made him think more about his crush on him, I mean was it just a crush or was he love? But wasn't he too young to be in love? Agh! He didn't know, he hasn't talk to anyone about love or about him being gay, but he thought this was the time he should started doing it.
''Will are you listening or what?'' said Lucas
''Uh, What? Sorry I wasn't, what were you saying?''
''You are coming at my house today, right?''
'', sorry I can't, I have a lot of homework''
''What? You are leaving us too?''
''Sorry I had a lot of homework''
''Hey, I'm not leaving you guys, It's just that my room it's so messy'' said Mike
''Yeah, Yeah whatever, but you guys are coming right?''
''Sure'' said Max and Dustin
That day the boy called Steve, Why? Cuz he was so afraid to talk about this with his mom or brother and he remembered all the things the party said about Steve being so nice with him and all the advice that he has given Dustin, so he ask him to come over and talk.
''Hey Will, can I come in?'' said Steve when the little boy opened the door.
''No, let's stay outside'' the boy closed the door behind him.
''Ok so...why do you ask me to come?''
''I need it to talk about something.... something a little bit personal''
''Personal? And why with me?''
''I don't know, I really need to get this out of me and my friends told how you were always there for them and how you helped them when the Mind Flyer was inside me''
''Oh yeah that''
''They told me you were like...a mom'' said laughing
''I WASN'T LIKE A...ok never mind''
''Can I talk to you?''
Steve sight ''Ok, tell me kid''
''You see the thing is that...I have a thing for someone.... like a crush''
''Ok.... Girl problems, I think I can help you with that, after all I helped your friend Dustin''
''Yeah well.... the problem is that I don't have a crush on a girl, is a......boy, I think.... Steve, I think I'm gay''
''Um.... well...mmm... ok yeah, I don't really know how to help you with that''
''But can you try?''
''Alright, who else know about this?''
''Well there is you...and me''
''That's it, no one else knows''
''So, am I the first one the know about this?'' Will nod ''Wow you kids really got close with me'' he sight again ''Can I know who is this boy?''
''It's.... Mike''
''Mike Wheeler? As in Nancy's little brother?
''Yeah and as in my best friend''
''Am...Well ok, maybe I can help you that, after all I was dating Nancy'' he said with a smile
''Yeah, didn't she broke up with you?''
His smile was gone ''Ok kid you want my help or not?''
''Yeah, sorry''
And so, they kept talking, the boy really need it to talk to someone and the conversation with Steve really help him. The little boy told him how he felt so weird about this, I mean first he was the zombie boy, then the shadow boy and now what? The.... Gay boy? But Steve told him not to feel bad about this, that it was ok for him to have a crush on a boy, that he was no weirdo no matter if he was gay or the whole Upside Down thing, that made Will Smile.
That night luckily, he could sleep all fine but when he woke up, he felt different, he just told someone about him being gay, he hasn't told his family, he feels bad about it, but he wasn't ready to tell them.
The next morning when he got into school the first person Will saw was Mike.
''Oh, hey Will''
''Hey Mike''
''How do you.... How do you sleep last night? Everything alright?''
''Yes, Mike I slept fine'' he rolled his eyes but still smiled, apparently this was going to be Mike's new thing
''How's your room?''
''My room? Oh it's fine too''
''Hey guys'' Dustin, Lucas and Max show up
''How was D&D last night?'' ask Mike to Lucas
''It was fun, how was cleaning your room?''
''Boring, but it's clean now''
''I'm sure it is, hey Will, how was doing your homework?''
''What? Oh, my homework, it was great''
''Yeah'' said thinking about his conversation with Steve
Later the four boys were sitting together on a class watching a documentary, but no one was paying attention, so they started talking.
''So, Lucas, how are things with you and Max?''
''Am.... they are alright, I guess we are dating now''
''Oh well that's nice'' said Dustin a little sad, he still has a little crush on her ''Hey guys, guess what? Things with me and Nancy are getting pretty serious''
''Nancy as in my sister?'' said Mike
''Nancy as in my brother's girlfriend?'' said Will
''How are things getting serious when she is dating Jonathan?'' said Lucas
''Well one day I saw her on the hallway and I say Hey, and she said Hey, how are you? And I said Fine and she said Cool have a nice day and then leave.
''How is that a serious relationship?''
''Well cuz she ask me How are you? She actually want it to know how was I, she cares about me!''
''Are you sure she wasn't just being nice?''
''Well am... I mean...Shut Up Lucas'' said Dustin a little mad and turning his head at the board
''Anyway, how are things with you and El?'' ask Luke to Mike ''Aren't things a little difficult since she well.... Don't leave her house? Don't you feel in a long-distance relationship?''
''Am...I...'' Mike turn his head over to Will, he was looking at the board acting like he didn't care about Lucas's question but he did care a little bit ''Am...yes, I guess. Things are for sure a little difficult now, I haven't being able to think straight'' Mike laugh a little bit but no else did they just gave him a weird look instead, the thing is that no one else knew he just made a little pun besides him....and maybe Will too, cuz he was smiling a little bit.

Sorry it took me long to post, I kinda forgot about it hehe.
Hope you like it tho ;)

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