1. Who are Naruto and Naruko?

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Third Person POV:

This story takes place in Konoha.

We see a beautiful blonde girl about the age of '15' lying on her bed. Her eyes were wide open and she was thinking about something. It was 12:00 am and she was unable to get even a wink of sleep.

This was because she was wondering about the day that followed. It would be the first day of her high school. She was neither happy nor nervous. She clearly wasn't excited. Her expression was blank.

In the next room, her younger brother 'Naruto' was sleeping. He was '8' years old. The day after i.e. Monday would be the first day of his school. He had been jumping around in happiness throughout the day. Naruko had a hard time making him go to sleep. He was the complete opposite of his sister. Lively, cheerful, naughty, and carefree. Some traits which were present in Naruko but disappeared in an instance, soon after the incident that occurred '6' years ago.

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