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This may be the night that my dreams might let me know
All the stars are closer
A l l T h e S t a r s - kendrick lamar ft sza

The cold air soon made its way to Kameron's back as she was staring at the black night sky, wishing upon the stars. The blue and white stripes t-shirt, navy blue joggers and black jacket kept her warm. She didn't care about the city's chilly night that moment. She just wanted everything to get better, to be normal once more, especially for her mom. She repeated her wish thousands of times. It felt like her life was slowly falling apart. Her mom meant everything to her, no matter how many times her mom nagged at her for going home late or getting into trouble. She knew deep down her mom accepted and cherish for who Kameron is today. Her dad did not took the news well and started to go home late instead of being there for his beloved wife. Kameron wanted to slap a huge amount of sense and logic to him so badly, but she knew she couldn't, only her mother could. She knew that she isn't as great as her mother. Heck, she probably wouldn't be able to be as humble as her mom too. She allowed her thoughts to overflow in the midst of the hectic streets and bright red sirens of the ambulances to and fro.

Kameron seeked for blue in her mind, but all that she got was black. Pure black. There wasn't any white in her raven thoughts. Black, just like her jacket. She was absorbed into darkness that night. She wanted to see yellow too as she wanted happiness to enter her life once more. She wanted her life to be painted in yellow with no black spots once more. That time, she just craved the yellow hue, nothing else. Just yellow. And maybe a little bit of blue.


"How long does he have?" Miles' mother asked with a shaky voice, her soft hand holding his cold ones firmly.

Miles could hear his mother's conversation with his doctor perfectly yet he pretended that he was asleep. He knew that his mother wouldn't tell him about this soon. He knew she just couldn't. She couldn't say the words.

"A month." The doctor replied. Sadness filling his voice but Miles knew that it was just an act.

He doesn't care deep down. It was only an act of sincerity. Miles thought silently.

He knew this news was coming and it was just a matter of days before he heard it from the doctor. Scenarios of his doctor telling the news already played in his mind at least a thousand times with different settings and scenes. Since then, all that he had been waiting for was his doctor's confirmation towards the fact. Since that moment, his mind was set to live to the fullest, knowing that his life is going to end sooner or later.

A month was all that was left to him. Just a month, thirty days. He wasn't planning to be sober and act like a fool in his remaining last days. He knew exactly what he needs to do.

Soon, he could hear his mother weeping silently. The fact that his mother was crying made his body cry in pain. He would never want to see nor hear her like this. Shortly after, his beloved mother fell into a deep sleep and he decided to seek for the city's air that night. He slowly got up from the white linen hospital bed and slipped into his gray hoodie that covered his hair fully and a pair of black running shoes. He silently got out of his room, making sure not to wake his mother up. He went inside the iron gray lift and made his way up the white ceramic stairs. Every step that he made resonated throughout the tall hollow building. Once he reached the entrance of the hospital's rooftop, he yanked the heavy door unintentionally and stepped outside, the breeze immediately punched his perfectly chiseled face. However, he did not take a step back. Instead he inhaled the evening air, letting it enters his mighty lungs and walked towards the edge, where he saw a beautiful brunette wishing upon the stars with all her power.

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