Yuura (My Main Oc) UPDATED

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(Art not mine but kinda looks like my oc a little UwU)

(Note!!!!!! I am shortening everything to little detail for now! Im sorry but i havent had a lot of spare time, when i publish this i will probably already be trying to add more detail to most things. So it may not be fully complete when i publish it)

Name. "Why do you need to know mortal? You are not worthy enough to know my name!" He smiled as he looked away. (Yuura)

Age. "My age? Now why would you need to know that...Mortal?" He grinned. (17)

Gender. "Tch! Male, now tell me why you need to know all this information about me!" He said as he looked away, blushing a little. (Male)

Species. "I am a demon and I'm very proud of that...What? Us demons are way more honest than your kind!" He snapped at you. (Demon)

Sexuallity. "Most demons from the part of hell I grew up in are bisexual, But im gay so fuck you..Yeah so that is my sexuality" He smiled as he wasn't ashamed of it. (Big Gay)

Looks. (Picture)

Personality. "Personality huh? Well I guess I could tell you. I'm a stubborn demon, also really cocky and I like that about myself. I can be sarcastic sometimes, and obviously I'm very sadistic...what? I'm a demon and all. Also I'm very heartless towards people when I first met them...And there is some points where I just... Snap. so you may want to be careful.

Crush i mean there is this one guy <3 Names Micah. STAY BACK HE IS MINE! :) Micah. (Info: Micah was born and raised in a place called haven. This is where werewolves which he is, but has a human form as well, live which is surrounded by huge walls that literally cant be broken. Werewolves have lived there for a long time since humans captured them and enslaved them. His age depends on how old Yuura is but is mostly 6 years ahead of him. P. S for all you american/other places that have the age of consent of 18 where i live it is 16 (uk) so idc what you say :))

Likes. "Tch! What i like? Well...Maybe i could tell you some things. I like the blood of my enemies, I like being cocky and sassy in a fight, also showing how much better i am than someone. I love teasing people as well. I also do like some videogames but i aint gonna tell you which ones.

Dislikes. "Dislikes huh? Well...There is a lot i dislike...So i shall do you all a favour and narrow it down to the things i completely despise...The thing i hate the most?...Well thats an easy question, You... jks That would be my own father. Reason? Read my backstory *shrugs with a small smirk*. I also hate my own self, thanks to my father again. Humans or mortals, which i like to call them would also be on my list. Another reason you ask? Well this world was once beautiful...But when all the mortals inhabited it...You all striped it from that beauty...Making it an ugly world." He sighed as he remembered thats what his mother used to say. "There was one more...And thats is obviously peace. I hate the idea of it, i wouldnt find that really fun or exciting." He shrugged again.

Backstory. "My backstory? Well i did say on the last one to read my backstory so...I guess i should probably tell you it then" He clears his throat as he is about to tell you.
"I was born..." He laughs again.
"Okay, Okay. Im being serious now.

I was born in hell i am the 2nd oldest out of my 3 brothers, my "father" is basicly satan. And my mother was just a "nobody" Which would make me the prince of hell? . So when i was growing up my mother was the one to take care of me, she taught me her amazing necromancy which i was pretty bad ant not gonna lie, i could barely get a small weak demon to listen to me. my "father"on the other hand. Had other plans. He didnt care about me, or even want me which doesnt make sense since he wanted the other two but oh well. So him and my oldest brother tortured me for basicly my whole life. Hense the reason i have many scars on my body. My younger brother wasnt born till i was aboutttttt 11 in human years? But yeah my mother was the only one to take care of me. Give me breakfast, lunch etc. Clean my wounds as well. Up until i was about 10 when he finally found out my mother was secretly helping me. Which he dealt with... By... Killing her, infront of me... While i was chained up with angelic chains which i have no idea how he could hold, or even aquire. Then he left... Leaving me with a dead mother infront of me. As i watched him leave i felt this odd feeling i've never felt before. Like something was burning... My entire body... Then it happened. I broke out of my chains and fell to the floor. This strange aura around me as i shook my mothers lifeless body, before she disapeared. My tears had already left a flood by then before i let out a scream as the aura grew and grew, it was... Pink on the outside but purple right around me.. I didnt know what it was, but i knew it wasnt normal before i then passed out from the pain as my muscles felt like they burst 1000 times. My best friend and childhood demon friend Shida looked after me as i recovered. Mentally and physically. I told him about the strange aura and he didnt even know what it was. The smartest demon i ever knew didnt even know. This is where it gets even sadder. And where i make my biggest regret, but it was a burden i must have did. My younger brother was only 2... He was sleeping as i crept into his room. Tears flooding my eyes but i was silent. He looked soo peaceful... I grew closer until i was right beside where he lay. "I dont want you to go through the pain i went through. I want you to be happy... Im sorry for this... " then i did it... I killed my brother in one quick motion so he wouldnt feel anything i stabbed his chest with and angelic knife which Shida had aquired as well. With a special glove so it wouldnt burn my hand. . No blood... No screams... I cried a lot afterwards but it is a burden i must hold. As a year went by Shida the smartest demon alive had created these... Rings which allowed us to go to planets, solar systems. Different universes. Our plan was to get revenge. On my dad, older brother. Even gods... Which let so many people suffer. But before we did anything i wanted to go to earth alone. Which i did for 3 years. Which made me 14 in human years. I wasnt rich. Didnt really have anything. While i was in hell my mother kept a stash of earth money since she wanted to go their, but "dad" never let her and killed her before she had a chance. So i took it before i left. It was enough to get a rather small apartment for a couple years, it grew tight though. Every year there was a fighting tournement which when won gave you £10,000,000,000 I compeated for 2 years and never won, not even close since i didnt really know how to fight. But the 3rd year i got extremely lucky. I got to the finals somehow but was getting my ass handed to me... I knew i couldnt lose this so i kept getting back up. Eventually when i could barely stand up anymore it happened again... The strange feeling as the aura came back. The energy filled every part of my body until it was too much i had to stop fighting it. I was still myself. But my personality changed completely as so did my power. One flick to the chest and the mortal was basicly already dead. I won. The money was insantly transferred to a bank account i had made while my body muscles coulsnt handle all this power again and the same pain came back. I wasnt hosptilized since Shida knew something was wrong and used his teleport thingy to get to me first and take me away. But now he had an answer to what it was. "The Fallen Petal Of The Ancient Rose" which he only thought was a myth.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2019 ⏰

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